The Party

542 33 78

CW/TWs - death, alcohol consumption (bench trio doesn't have any don't worry)

Wilbur stiffens and wakes up to a loud creaking. He silently curses himself in his head. He doesn't understand how he wakes up so often to such small noises.

Wilbur glances at the clock in the bedside table.

3:01 AM.

Huh. Maybe he would've been more concerned if he hadn't been so annoyed about waking up. Wilbur focuses his glare at the ceiling before closing his eyes and trying to go to sleep again.

He nearly drifts off when something on his leg twitches.

Then it twitches again, and Wilbur's leg begins to get tingly-

Then it starts to crawl.

Wilbur jolts up, throws off his covers, and shrieks.

A giant shadowy spider is crawling up his leg-

Wilbur scrambles out of bed with another shriek and flails  his leg around in some kind of funky dance, trying to get the spider off as it continued clinging onto his leg. Shudders wracked up and down Wilbur's body as he panicked- the spider kept clinging onto him and scrambling around on his leg, avoiding Wilbur's kicks.

He hears a familiar boisterous laugh before warm hands gently stop him from kicking again and takes the spider off his leg.

The lights flicker on, and there is Tommy, standing smugly with Shroud in hand.



"What," Wilbur stammers, eyes flittering between the spider that had just been on his leg and the blonde, who's having a hard time holding back his giggles, "What was that for?!"

Tommy shrugs, eyes wide and energetic. "For funsies. I was bored, Shroud was bored. It was bound to happen eventually."

It's only then Wilbur notices how the other is bouncing on the tips of his toes, energy coursing and buzzing through his body hyperactively. Tommy's eyes are wide and unaffected by sleep, darting this way and that like a rabid raccoon, left eye twitching minutely every once in a while. A glance to the side- and Wilbur can see the pile of soda cans had doubled in size.

Wilbur holds back a sigh. They just got those two twelve-packs and Tommy drank it all- that really isn't healthy, Wilbur should stage an intervention for Tommy's caffeine addiction- the stress of midterms and finals hadn't even started yet and Tommy was already made of pure caffeine. Wilbur refuses to go back to that grocery store- even if they weren't recognized by the employees they bothered there, the shopping cart sitting in the corner of their dorm room is proof enough to get them banned for an eternity.

Wilbur takes a deep breath- steeling all his anger and tiredness into one giant ball of negativity while Tommy buzzed around him, cooing at his spider.

"Tommy, I was trying to sleep-"

"Sleep is for the weak." Tommy smiles broadly, eyes dazed and unfocused, "I am the strongest here and you are weak."

Wilbur opened his mouth to tell Tommy how fucking stupid he is when a knocking from Tommy's side of the room interrupts him. Both boys found themselves staring at the wall while the knocking continued from the other side.

Then, in a loud, muffled voice-

"Tommy, it's three in the GODDAMN MORNING. SHUT THE FUCK UP."

Tommy flounders for a moment before walking the rest of the distance to the wall and knocking back.

"But Tubbo- you don't understand, I'm really bored and-"

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