The First Week

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That first day had been tough. He was somehow able to tune the annoying kid out, blasting his music in his earbuds and almost wrecking his hearing while unpacking the things he needed for school. Before he knew it, Tommy was gone- probably out to get food or something, it had gotten late- but Wilbur didn't care.

Mentally, he was already exhausted. And so, without eating anything for dinner (he did that a lot, he was used to it-), he collapsed onto the bed, pillow fluffed up and cloudy, and let exhaustion pull him into a deep sleep.

He'd only been asleep for a few hours when he suddenly jolted up, sleep pulling down his conscious- but something felt wrong- something was wrong-

He's awake.

Why is he awake- what woke him up?

His arms are cold, his face is cold, his chest feels cold and damp-

Wet- Wilbur raises a hand up to his hair.

Why is his hair dripping..?

A loud snickering erupted from beside him and Wilbur jolts back, knocking his shoulder into the wall with a yelp. There in the moonlight is Tommy, holding an empty cup that is still dripping dots of water over his duvet and using his free hand to hold back his laughs. At Wilbur's half asleep confused state he laughs louder.

"Get pranked, bitch!"

It all clicked at once.

"Wha- HEY!"

Tommy erupts into loud boisterous laughter and Wilbur shoots up from bed, nearly tripping over in his hurry and looking over his duvet, which now has a considerably large wet patch in the middle.

Tommy was still laughing loudly, he bets the entire building is awake by now.

"You should've- hAH you should've seen your face!" Tommy chortles as soon as he gets ahold of himself, still not bothering to lower his volume. "You didn't react for like- a solid three seconds. That was fuckin'- hAHa-"

Wilbur turns to Tommy so fast he nearly got whiplash.


"'Cus I was bored. Why else would I pour a glass of water on you? It's funny."

Wilbur sputters, suddenly hyper aware of how damp his clothes are and how his hair plastered to his forehead, quickly rubbing the sleep and water out of his eyes blearily and checking the time.

3:00 AM

Wilbur turns back towards his bed with gritted teeth.

"You've just- my entire bed is soaked! What the fuck Tommy?!"

Tommy cackles.

"Happy first day of college!!" He taunts happily before bounding into his own bed and slipping under the covers, disappearing from sight. "Goodnight, bitchboy!"

Wilbur squints at the bundle in the blankets, half contemplating pouring water on Tommy's head in an act of revenge, but ultimately decides he's too tired and in no good position to do it now.

If this is gonna be his life for the next year, then he's gonna have to find a way to either A.) make peace with the spite-filled gremlin living with him, or B.) find any way possible to enact revenge. He's currently leaning towards option B.

Wilbur grumbles, shooting another glare at the bed opposite of his before grabbing an itchy towel from his wardrobe and laying it over the wet spot. He lays down with a grunt, casting another bitter glare at the other boy.

"Goodnight Tommy."


The next day had been surprisingly boring- Wilbur's sleep had been ruined and he couldn't forget that heinous crime against him, so if he "misplaced" Tommy's computer, no one had to know.

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