Chapter 22: I, the Grimn Reaper protect the souls that rests here

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The atmosphere of the battlefield raged on as soldiers in shining armor rushed through sector by sector to save the souls that belonged to the troubled people here. Rex, Wolffe and Cody sent their legions to deal with sector 2 onwards while the most veteran of the bunch handled sector 1, the kill zone

Rex: Ha!

Cody: mark another one down for the clan!

Wolffe: make that another 5! Slashed a few more on the way here

Rex: over there! Trapped civilians!

Cody: I'll handle it! You boys head to the other areas!

Rex/Wolffe: may the odds be in your favor!

Cody left as he signaled a few men onto his position to add a small family of 3 to remove a large pillar that was blocking the children's mother

Kid 1: Please sir! Help our mother!

Mother: wait please! Save my children!

Kid 2: we're not leaving mom!

Cody: don't worry ma'am, all 3 of you are getting out of here, I swear upon the all-father

Soon, two of Cody's trusted men joined him as they gripped onto the large pillar to life it

Waxer: on 3!

Boil: 1

Cody: 2

312th members: 3!

They lifted the pilar with ease as the children aided their mother out. When they did, they dropped the pillar as Boil bandaged the wounds of the injured mother as the kids hugged her while crying

Boil: just a flesh wound, you'll make it no problem

Mother: t-thank you so much...

Waxer: we're just doing a soldier's work ma'am

Kid 1: t-there!

Kid 2: titan!

The kids scream in fear as a few titans were closing on their position. The soldiers signaled through hand gestures as Cody and Boil handled them and Waxer aided the family out.

The two left with their blades drawn as they rushed to the titans to slaughter them. Waxer carried the mother bridal style while the kids were on his shoulders as they cling onto him for dear life

Kid 1: w-will they be okay sir?

Kid 2: t-those titans are scary...

Mother: h-hey it's okay... this gentleman is going to get us out of here

Waxer: hey kids

Kids: huh?

Waxer: do you always wondered, why the stars are so special?

Kids: huh? Stars?

Waxer: the stars, they each carry stories that no one can comprehend

Kid 1: w-what kind of stories?

Waxer: who knows? Maybe their old lives? Maybe the journey they had walked? Or maybe their life as a goose!

Kid 2: a goose?! *giggles*

Kid 1: *laughing*

Waxer: *triumph laughter* next time you look at a star, you can imagine as much as you want on what they mean to you

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