Chapter Five | Frozen

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        Sans is beginning to sense a pattern, and he doesn't like it.

        The teacher's choice of clothing today is much more… cuter, in comparison to the first few times he'd met up with her. It's less formal, as if she's getting accustomed to being around him for matters beyond work. Not that he doesn't appreciate what he's seeing, but hell, he needs a break for the sake of his soul and mind alike.

        There’s no way he can consider the thought of crushing on someone like her.

        "Uh…" He blinks until his consciousness clicks back in, and then tries not to stare too much anywhere below her neck. "So, what are you proposing for me to delete that mystery picture?"

        The woman pouts and lets out a breath, in what he labels as faux dissatisfaction. "Why so soon, sweetheart? We've barely even had our lunch yet!" She grins and covers up a laugh with a hand over her lips. "If you're gonna pull that kinda stuff out with me, then I demand your full, undivided attention today, so you best cancel whatever plans you've got and prepare for a three-hour-long meeting once we're out of here." 

        The skeleton huffs and slumps on his seat. "I just want a change in social workers," he says, almost pleading.

        "And I want Fridays off – a raise, and maybe some vacation time, too," she replies, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. "We both can't have what we wish, I'm afraid."

        He holds his phone up and threatens to open the gallery, chuckling when her expression changes from confidence to surprise, and finally back to poise.

        "Ooh – You kept my last picture, huh?" Her smile turns into one of mischief. "Why am I not surprised?"

        "And why should I delete it?"

        She loosens her arms and leans back in her seat.

        "Well," she says, mulling over the question. "It isn't exactly important to you, is it? So, why keep a picture like that from someone like me on your phone?" Her gaze sharpens as she looks straight at him. "I doubt I mean anything to you beyond teaching your child."

        He ignores the sudden disappointment tugging at his soul, and though he knows damn well what's the reason for that, he chooses to ignore it. "Are you regrettin' sending me this picture, too?"

        She shakes her head. "Of course not, but-"

        "Tell it to me straight, and I'll delete both."

        The teacher sighs again and places a palm on her forehead. "...No. I mean it." Her gaze spares a brief look at a cat monster, who waves at her with her free hand, the other occupied with a slice of bread. She smiles and waves back at her, then returns to him. "Because," she says, "I simply know you won't do it. And it's more than just a hunch, at this point." She takes the lemon on her drink and squeezes the juice in. "I… I know you won't try to gain anything using those means."

        Sans leans forward, with his hands over the table, his confidence making its way past any chance for reluctance. "Then why are you so worried about the other picture?"

        "It's…" She frowns and chugs her beverage down before continuing. "I just can't go into detail. It's personal – Only my grandmother was meant to see it."

        He looks away and closes his eye sockets, feeling guilt crawl over his shoulders. "You have way too much faith in me."

        Despite not looking, he can almost imagine her shocked face based on her stutter alone. "E- Excuse me?"

Where's the Punchline? (Underfell AU | Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now