Chapter Six | Thawed

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       "Y'know, I…"

       While you don't know what specifically brings you to tears, there's a feeling in your chest that makes you want to cry it all out.

       Things have changed almost drastically since monsters arrived at the Surface, and – as much as you would like to – you can't ignore that. 

       Not only does your job make it impossible, but your family background pushes you to interact with them on your day-by-day, without a break.

       The rise in expectations and the poor working conditions of your career has led to a rise in stress, that rise in stress has led to you coping with poor mechanisms you hadn't believed you'd return to, and those poor coping mechanisms have led to your grandmother being more overbearing than usual, going to extremes where you're sure she's bound to pester you about moving back in with her.

       And – while you love her with all your heart – that's the last place you would consider moving into.

       You don't want to go back to that old life. Doing so would make it feel as if you're back to square one – a time when you would have to prove your independence through all means possible, all over again. Interviewing monsters to help their children gain an education seems to be your best solution out of that. Finally putting into effect your hybrid education plan is another. The only problem is when personal feelings get in the way of your progress.

       "I see you as a friend, too."

       And there it goes.

       Hearing him say that outright makes you tear up even more, and you have to smile and mutter an 'I'm okay' to avoid any misunderstandings.

       They're now what you figure out to be happy tears, though you're sure he doesn't know that, judging by how quiet and confused he sounds.

       You can't progress if you're bound to make allies with each monster you interview. Growing fond of them will get you nowhere, and you don't exactly want to be cold with them, either. Developing thicker skin is a must, but that's easier said than done. Were it up to your current emotional status, you would press an 'approved' stamp over every monster associated with Frisk's well-being, and you would have them and their monster friends in school starting today. You would've finished with that list since long ago, if you allowed these emotions into the mix. It would be a blessing if things were that simple – if you could listen to your thoughts without looking at them from each angle, once, then twice, later thrice, and so on. And it would also be a blessing for you to have that job at Toriel's school right away.

       For now, though, all you can do is wait to see what happens.

       And help where need be.

       The skeleton gives you an awkward pat on the shoulder while you're busy wiping your face clean with some tissues, and – with how obvious it is that he's bad at comforting others – you have to hold back a smile as you take in the silence and look down to notice the yogurts are no longer frozen.

       "Thank you," you reply, looking up to see him staring at you, with about as much fear as you would observe from someone trying to find a bug that took off flying. His irises are the textbook definition of uncertain, as so is his body language. "That…" You hesitate. "That makes me happy." 

       You direct a more sincere smile at him. Having him think you're mocking him after being presented with such an honest confession is at the bottom of your list. His hand refuses to budge away from your shoulder, and you can only sigh in sympathy as you consider how embarrassed he must feel, witnessing you sob at a table for two with other customers watching nearby. Those around could maybe believe you're a cry-baby. Or – worst yet – they could believe Sans is the cause for your tears. Neither sound good, but you're sure at least one person has one of those two points of view in mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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