Chapter Four | Spiced

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[*Homeroom Teach sent a picture.]

         Before checking the message, Sans stands up, locks the phone, and places it by the edge of the bed. He'd been laying on his towel since leaving the shower over an hour ago, and staying there for just a few more minutes would risk him being late. It's that message what prompts him to finally start dressing up, his suits still waiting on the same bag the teacher had placed them into, thrown by a corner of the room. The first one that comes out is what he chooses to wear, though — with his usual selection of clothing — he already feels overdressed by wearing the dress shirt and pants alone. Slipping on the suit that goes with it makes him feel as if he's about to go campaigning to become the next mayor.

         Now decent to step out, he lies back down in bed, takes the phone, and presses on the notification.

         It's a picture of an open cardboard box displaying various fabrics and colours, a few of the patterns he recognizes as the nicer clothes Alphys used to wear back at the Underground. 

         Several more messages follow after the picture.

         [I can't thank you both enough for this!]

         [I received the package through mail quicker than I expected, though I don't recall ever… giving you my address? I was expecting you to maybe ask for it after she was ready to send the clothes, but they were right at the front of my door this morning! I'm surprised she had all this set during the week, and how it got here so fast.]

         [Should I be concerned, or does your friend somehow possess that information already, in addition to a two-day shipping service?]

         Though it doesn't exactly surprise him, telling the teacher Alphys used to track Frisk down all throughout their journey is perhaps a bit too much, and something he should keep to himself to avoid whatever negative judgement she could form about her. 


         [can u send me a pic of the mailing info?]

         [those clothes look like hers, but just in case they ain't from her.]

         [and, uh, does this mean you're not working today?]

         [everything ok?]

         [I am *not* giving you my home address, you weirdo.]

         [And yes, I'm doing okay, except…]

         [I wasn't allowed to teach today.]

         [But that's besides the point right now. This address situation and our meeting are far more important!]


         [I won't pry, but i hope you're ok.]

         [and how about a pic with her name, but with ur address censored?]

         [Sounds good.]

[*Homeroom Teach sent a picture, captioned with 'Is this her?']

         Now it's a picture of the outside of the box. The teacher's address is covered by a thick, black line and the only information left is the sender's name and details, along with the recipient's full name. It's definitely from Alphys, yet he still refrains from telling her the whole truth.

Where's the Punchline? (Underfell AU | Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now