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A/N: If you do not agree with Daisy's actions in this chap, please be aware that it is a one time thing and I promise this doesn't happen later on in the story

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A/N: If you do not agree with Daisy's actions in this chap, please be aware that it is a one time thing and I promise this doesn't happen later on in the story. Also, character development. 

~Next day

"Three black coffees."

I'm with my back turned, but I know who they are. The three rude but very attractive assholes. Oh, and let me guess, they're probably dressed in a suit again.

It's like those guys live in a suit.

"To go, hm?" I ask without turning around. A chuckle leaves a mouth, making me turn around to arch an eyebrow. "What now?"

"Don't worry about writing please on our cups, sweetheart," one winks. I roll my eyes. Jesus Christ.

I turn around again and write it on their cup anyway. The coffee machine pings and tells me their coffee is ready. I pour their coffee and look over my shoulder to see they're talking to each other. Good.

Then my eye falls on the other order I was making, so I decide to finish that one first. The three girls that ordered it were first, and it's not much work. Just some coffee with milk and sugar.

So I put it on the counter all together, call the girls and nod at the cups for the rude buttheads. "Coffee's ready. Two dollars twenty-five, please."

One pays and sends me a wink, sending shivers up to my spine. Good or bad? No idea. 

They leave, and I pay attention to what's happening in the rest of the shop. The three girls who ordered come back to the register. I smile, "Hi! Is everything alright?"

One shakes her head, slightly frowning. "We didn't get milk or sugar with our coffee. You mind if we take some of those?" She points at the little wrapped up milk and sugar. I shrug. "Go ahead."

But didn't I already add milk and sugar to their coffees?

Adeline and Melody hop in, surprising me."What are you doing here?" I ask them. They grin. "Convincing you to out tonight again."

I sigh. "Really? My hangover is just over." They roll their eyes. "Don't exaggerate. Ivan and David are coming too, so you'd be all lonely anyway."

"Fine," I grumble. As long as I don't drink too much...

"Have you seen those three men?" Melody giggles and blushes. "They're so handsome." 

"They're assholes," I tell her. They sit down at the bar while I make their regulars. "How are they assholes?" Adeline asks.

"They have no manners. They don't even say thank you or please, and once they stole their coffee."

They shrug. "That's not too bad. Maybe they're just madly in love with the innocent coffee barista." They act all swoony. I roll my eyes and give them their coffee.

"Nope. Probably just looking to ruin a girl's day. Where are we going out?" I ask to change the subject. A shrug is given me. "Same as last time. We like the club."

As long as that Dom guy isn't there...

"Sure," I shrug and turn around again. The bell rings and another costumer must have came in or left.

"Oh shit," I hear Melody mumble. I turn around to look at what she's seeing and cringe when I see those three assholes.

Rude but attractive but also a little mad assholes.

"Black coffees." A grunt. I give them a sweet smile and lean over the counter. "Is something wrong?" Then something occurs to me in horror. Fuck, I switched the orders. And they think I meant to do it.

"What is this shit?" One comes closer and slams his cup on the counter. It spills out of the cup, making me sigh. "Come on, now I have to clean that!"

He just stares at me. His friend approaches. "Just give us our right coffees."

I turn around again, heading for a wet rag to clean it up. "Kitten, just give us the coffee." I let out a huff. "My name is Daisy, thank you very much."

Another one rolls his eyes. "We can read the name tag." I sigh. "Are you here for a reason or not?"

They glance at each other. "You know what? Give us what you think we'd like. And some of that apple pie, we'll eat it here."

They leave to sit at a table. I turn, but my eye falls on Melody and Adeline. They're gaping at me with jaw slightly dropped. 

"What?" I sigh. Here come the theories....

"You are so lucky," Adeline hisses and hits me arm. I frown and hide my arm for her. "Am not. They are assholes who make my work much and much harder."

"What did you do to them?" Melody asks, lowering her voice. We look at them, but quickly look away when we realize they're looking at us too.

"I might have tried to teach them some manners and then put milk and sugar in their black coffees," I mumble, realizing that was not the best thing to do.

Adeline grins and leans back in her chair. "Well, good job. Now they're after you." I am taken aback and shake my head. "No. That's really not what this is."

She shrugs. "I think it is." I roll my eyes and look at Melody for back-up, but she agrees with Adeline. 

I sigh, hard, and put a piece of pie on a plate. "You watch too much romcoms, do you know that?"

I look at the board with out specials. Hmmm, time to teach them some good coffee.

I choose a red velvet latte, a pumpkin spice and a frappuccino with caramel. They see me coming and move their chairs a little. I grin, "Who ordered some specials?"

They sighs, but watch me curiously as I give them their cups. "Switch around a little, they're all something different. The pie will be here in a minute," I say and walk back to the bar.

Adeline and Melody wink at me, but I pretend I don't see it. I choose a large piece of pie and add a little text with whipped cream.


I smile when I give it to them, then quickly turn around and almost run back. "I might just have done something stupid," I whisper. They shake their heads. "Will you never learn?"

I give a sheepish shrug. "I can't help it. It's just in me." Adeline glances at them before grinning at me. "I know exactly what they're thinking."

I grab her hands. "Please tell me how I'm getting killed?" She grins and shakes her head. "A bratty submissive. That's exactly what they're thinking, based on their smirks."

A frown covers my forehead. I look at the three men, who are watching me with a grin. Their coffee untouched.

I gasp. Such unthankful people.

"They don't even touch their coffees!" Melody shrugs. "Maybe they don't like—" "Oh shut up," I tell her.

David and Ivan come in, hand in hand. They're laughing, but then they startle out of each other when David's eyes widen. He looks at his grandma, who never saw him coming in.

I cock an eyebrow at him while they come closer. "Caught in 4K." 

He narrows his eyes at me. "Shut up, woman."

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