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~Three weeks later

"Baby me," I mumble.

I am done. Completely.

Those vouchers were a really bad idea. I should've done an expiration date or a max amount of times.

But nope. Instead here I am, exhausted. I slept ten hours, and I still feel like I ran hundred miles. I fucking deserve to be babied.

Easton chuckles and picks up my limp body. I lean into his chest before my stomach turns. I jump out of his arms, my hand clasped for my mouth.

I can only just reach the toilet before I throw up. Easton runs in, confused, before he sees me sitting next to the toilet. 

He sits down next to me, rubbing my back as I puke again. Panting, I put my head on his chest. I don't think more will follow.

"Are you okay?" he asks, not even scrunching up his nose. I nod, even more tired now. He cups my back and the back of my head and walks back to bed. I cling to him.

"Did you eat something wrong?" he asks, placing soft kisses on my forehead. I frown and shake my head. "I don't think so," I whisper, too tired to talk.

Now that I think of it, though. "I felt nauseous yesterday too, but then I ate pickles and it went away."

He frowns and pulls back. "You hate pickles."

I shrug. "I was craving them, leave me alone." His eyes are far for a second, but then he nods and stands up. "Stay here, I'm gonna ask Ash something."

I nod and climb back on the bed, completely stretched. My sickness must be over, because I'm in the mood for ice cream. "Easton!" I shout. 

His head is back in the door way, one eyebrow cocked. "Can you bring me some ice cream?" I ask him with a sweet smile. He frowns. "You just threw up . . . ?"

I wave that away. "I'll brush my teeth." He frowns even more and throws me another glance before going down the stairs. 

I do as I aid, brushing my teeth and dressing up in a nice dress. However, the last time I wore this, my boobs were less big than they now are. I frown. That's weird.

Realization dawns on me bas I let out a startled gasp. I open my phone and go to my period app, my eyes scanning the screen.

15 days late

My eyes widen. Oh my God.

Easton comes back in my room, his eyes as wide as mine. I think we both just realized I might be pregnant.

I let my phone fall, feeling panicked. "Oh my God—oh my God," I gasp. Easton pulls me to his chest. "Hey. Hey, little love, don't panic."

But I can't help but do. What if I really am pregnant? Yes, I'm twenty-six, but I want to start a coffee shop before I have kids. We're not even married.

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