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"Who's this for?"

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"Who's this for?"

Michael's eyebrows raise with surprise as I place the three presents I chose for my boyfriends on the counter. I grin.

"Well, long story short? They're for your own bosses."

His eyes widen now too. "Ain't no way. These guys let you dominate them? Man, they are hooked," he mutters, wonder in his voice.

I smirk at the three cockrings I'm buying in their own store. Tonight I am the one in control, though they assured me it won't happen again. Those buttheads.

They're just challenging each other, and I'm taking my own advantage of it. I'm just not sure how I'll do it. All together, or timing?

My eyes fall on two pairs of steel cuffs, they look strong. "Add those too," I point, and Michael sighs. "Man, I really liked you."

I cock an eyebrow. So he admits? "Why not anymore?"

He shrugs, not looking up. I'm sure he's pouting. "You'll be dead after tonight. Like dead dead."

I chuckle. I was kinda nervous to step in here, because I knew Michael had to work, and since he is Melody's baby daddy. . .  But everything's like normal, me teasing him and him going through it. 

"So. . . " I hesitate. I don't really appreciate what they did, but can I really let them go without another thought?

He sighs too, leaning on the counter with both arms. "I know. Listen, I know Melody can be rude. She's always rude to me. Like, sometimes it hurts, man!" He looks upset for a second, but brushes it away again.

"And she got her period two days ago, so you probably understand why she's so fucking mean to us now." 

I look up to meet his eyes. He doesn't know yet?

"M-Michael, maybe she didn't get her period—" He interrupts me with laughing. "Oh, I'm sure she did, though. She kept yelling at me I had to buy tampons, and I woke up next to a woman who was cramping all over the toilet."

I frown. Hesitate. Doubt. 

He seems to sense it. "I don't wanna come over all gross, but I'm really sure she got her period. God, this sounds gross but—" He shakes his head. "Nevermind."

Anxiety fills my veins. What if she was lying? 

"You can tell me, I'm a woman too." I give him a tight smile, trying to keep my voice from breaking. 

He closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I washed our clothes this morning. I'm really sure she got her period. Wait, why are we talking about Melody's period again? Anyways, here are your cuffs." His eyes twinkle with mischief.

I smile back, not showing how much that affects me. Why would she lie about that?

"How's work, by the way?" I ask while putting my bought items in my bag, hidden from everyone outside. Michael immediately tenses, eyes wide. He recovers, quickly, though. "Great. super. Terrific."

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