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Narrator pov

The drive to McDonald's was full of laughter and sing-alongs. When they pulled into the parking lot which had lots of cars even though it was 11 at night. "Alright let's get inside already a bitch is starving~," Selena said as she opened the car door almost climbing over Sero who just laughed at her antics. "She likes food she even became a chef because of it," Tamika explained as they all exited the car.

They continued to talk as they walked in Izuku holding Tamika by her waist, Sero with his arm over Selena who was playing with his rings while leaning on his shoulder, and Shinso holding Jirou from behind. When they finally got inside it was full of pro heroes out of costume. But they didn't pay any attention and just kept walking Jirou playing some music off her phone.

After ordering, they sat at one of the tables near the window Izuku, with Tamika on his lap and Sero on Selena's legs. "Deadass love this song" Tamika smiled as she sang the lyrics to the song playing.

Song above

Selena sang along both of them having big smiles on their faces as they sang the song. "I can tell you ha e a freak in you just by what happened in the kitchen," Jirou said a smirk adorning her face. "Stop that Jirou don't think we didn't see those scratches on Shinso last week ain't look like no cat to me. Unless you- shut up Izuku" they all laughed a bit till their number was called Selena getting the food with Sero's help.

"Thank god for McDonald's or my munchies would have me acting a fool," Izuku said Sero laughing remembering the last time Izuku didn't eat when he had the munchies. "OK, now I want to know what was happening with you and Tamika in the kitchen?" Shinso asked very curious about what his friend was about to commit in the kitchen at a party. But this also caught the ears of a few pros that they know all too well and a few nosey people. " nothing was going to happen" Tamkia said playing with Izuku's hand underneath the table.

"Yeah okay, so Izuku chocking you while pushing you against the sink and kissing you is nothing happening then I am a virgin," Shinso said rolling his eyes playfully. Izuku just shrugged leaning back. "but something could have happened" Izuku whispered in Tamika's ear sending a shiver down her spine. "I hope you know I heard that," Jirou said as she ate some of her burger peeking at Izuku who just shrugged as he took a fry. "So what should we do after this?" Tamika asked as she popped Izuku's hand away from her fries. 

"I know a good dispensary down the street from here I could run and get us some weed and we could go get high at a park or something" he shrugged they agreed and continued eating ignoring the stares they got as they had enough food for 20 people on their table. "Aizawa aren't you going to go and stop them," Toshinori asked disappointment lacing his face. "now why would I do that they are adults who can handle themselves. Plus it's none of mine or anyone's business what they do outside of school."

Aizawa went back to sipping one of the many black coffees that the staff was just bringing him. "What if they ruin the UA reputation?" Yagi asked making some of the other pros look at him like he was crazy. "They are grown adults who can handle themselves we are not their parents" "even though some of us act like it," Midnight said sipping her drink and peeking over at Aizawa who was slightly glaring at her. "As I was saying we are only meant to help them grow as heroes and if they do cause some trouble I am sure that they will own up and accept their responsibilities as we have taught them as heroes," Aizawa said looking at them at the end watching them smile and laugh as they eat.

"whatever if they cause trouble it is all on you guys since you don't wanna stop them now," Yagi said getting up and leaving the fast-food restaurant to go home. Back with the group who had finally finished eating and were cleaning their spots so good it looked as if they were never there at all. "Alright, let's go get high!" Shinso said excitedly as they walked out.

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