Part seven

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A certain pair of teenagers were ease-dropping, while the two boys were all over their new relationships and potential appearance. To be precise, it was their ex's. Almost literally spitting and foaming at the mouth in envy. They ought to have been swooning over them instead. Though they have not yet demonstrated that they are superior to two wealthy lovers who lavished them with gifts and dinners, they do not regret their choice. "Midoriya? Sero? Principal Nezu would like to speak with you two." Shoji, Nezu's assassin-like assistant, said. Due to her constant need to run errands for Nezu in Japan and other countries, she was hardly ever seen.

"Okay, where is he?" She vanished with only a little piece of paper in her wake, before they could even get an answer. "Okay?" Sero observed as Izuku picked it up. Then, with two obnoxious flies following them, they headed to Nezu's office. Fortunately, the room was soundproofed, and I was prepared in case someone like Jirou would listen, making it impossible to listen without an ear bleed. "You wanted to speak to us Nezu?" Sero said as they each took a seat around the room. "Yes, I have heard that you know two of the students that will be joining us, for the small exchange program." They both looked at him a sense of nervousness filled them. "What about it?" Izuku asked as if he didn't see all this play out in his own head and knew where it was leading.

"You can lead them around since you are already acquainted," he said, grinning mischievously. "So what each student gets to lead one of them around?" Sero interrupted, breaking their little stare off. "Something like that, besides the two there will be two other BOYS that will follow you as well seeing how the GIRLS ARE WELL ACQUAINTED WITH THE BOYS." The room fell silent as they all sat upon that information. "Okay can we um get the list of students or at least the other two who will be showing around." Izuku said standing up as he loosened his tie, feeling a bit tense. Nezu nodded as he slid the file over the table. Sero hopped up as they both overlooked the arrivals and saw who they were grouped with and that is when they saw them. 

The two men did not seem like the kinds of guys the girls would choose, but they could not talk about it because, in their eyes, they both set the standard very high. "Thanks for the file, Nezu, I will play you some chess later," Izuku scoffed as he observed one of them going through their grades. The two of them laughed as they walked down the hall, looking at the updated file and whispering to each other. "Oh no, I forgot to give them the updated file. Oh well," Nezu cackled as his door closed, thinking that today had gone well for him at least. "What wonderful weather to stir up drama." He watched the beautiful sunset as he finished.

the next chapter will definietly be longer promise but I have to sleep (goddamn midterms)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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