Fly Baby

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A/N : Tweetfic inspired by Win's airport look for his CP event in Chiang Mai today (5 Mar '22)

Originally posted on Twitter (@/mixi_who_writes) :

Very short, written in 10 mins. Sorry for the lack of quality.

W smiled as he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket

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W smiled as he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He didn't need to see the name to know whose voice he would hear on the other side of the call.

"Why didn't you wake me up, my love?" whined B, voice still husky from sleep.

"Good morning, babe. Sleep well?" asked W softly.


"I woke up sad" whined B in that clingy voice that always melted W and it didn't fail now.

"Aw, baby, that's why I gave you a kiss before I left. And I made breakfast for you. It's on the kitchen counter" said W.

"I miss you. You're still at the airport and I already miss you"


"And I was sleeping when you kissed me so I don't even have that to hold on to until you come back" continued B.

"You're way too cute for someone who's grown so buff. We're going to need a bigger bed soon" chuckled W

"Nope. No way" said B. "I love this bed. It's perfect"


"It's just the right size because there's no space for more pillows so you hold me like one when we sleep and I love it" reasoned B

W smiled. "If only the world knew how cute and clingy my baby is, your whole 'cool guy' image would go for a toss"

"You look so hot" sighed B.


"You always say that" said W, walking towards the airport door with P'E guiding him gently.

"I thought you bought that camo shirt for me?"

W was surprised. "Can you see me? Are you here?"

"You're all over the internet, my love. Everyone's drooling over you. Me most of all"


W scrolled through his feeds. "Babe, stop liking every photo. My TL is filled with likes from your private account."

"They're all blurry. I wish I was there. I'd have taken some clearer ones, just for myself. Capturing the way you look when you tell me you're mine."

W blushed.


"That's the only part of you I don't share with the world. I wish you'd woken me up before you left."

"You've been working so hard lately and looked so peaceful. I didn't have the heart to wake you up. I'll come straight home to you from the airport when I'm back, okay?" cooed W


"Take care of yourself, my love. Eat well, rest well, don't tire yourself out. I know you're always giving your best even when you're not 100% fine. But I'm not there this time, so take care of my Win for me, okay?"

W closed his eyes, soaking in the sweet voice of his boyfriend.


"I promise I'll come home safe and sound. Give Mae a hug from me. If you look worried, she'll worry too. Don't overwork yourself. Eat on time and keep sending me pictures. I have to go now" said W as P'E gestured for him to walk towards the security gates.

"I love you, Metawin"


"I know you'll do well in this event, my love. You bring so much life and energy to the stage, people light up just from being around you. You're so warm and sweet and funny. I just can't take my eyes off of you. Imagine how your fans must feel when they get to interact with you"


W felt all his stress, all his apprehensions melting away. Truth was, he was feeling lonely and nervous this time without B by his side, esp after his illness. But he was a thorough professional who loved his job and would give his all for his fans.

"Thank you, Phi"


W could feel B smiling through the call.

"Have a safe journey, my love. Text me when you land."

"I will. I love you as always, Phi"

"Love you too, Nong. See you soon."


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