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There she was more beautiful than anything I have ever seen.she was more precious than the stars that seem to shine in the water flowing into small rivulets right ahead from the ocean. such a small little baby she was, so tiny that I did not know what to do in her presence.

She was my treasure, a reminder of the one whom I have lost once. I thought I have lost her forever but now because of Persephone finally my Selene was alive. Then it dawned upon me that she wasn't the one I thought she was, this was a new girl with the old soul that was once carrying thousands and thousands of burdens that were now removed from her shoulders.

She was my beautiful Psyche and till the day I will breathe she will be my eternal queen.

Psyche was not Selene but she was a part of her and then a whole new person.

I was a Guardian Angel. her Guardian Angel to be exact. What else I could do? where else would I go if not to my Psyche. If not near her then I think I would rather die from the pain of separation. I would not be able to survive it again, losing her would make me lose my damn mind.

When I heard her small cries it was as if my ears were hearing the music lost to the gods from the celestial instruments that have been destroyed a long time ago, withered with ages passed yet now it felt as if they were playing the melodies themselves.

I rushed to what mortals called to a healers inner cave and found her wrapped in a white little bundle and my heart burst, such happiness captivating my body as if I was being reborn.

I fell her then moving and suddenly she looking at me with big blue glittering eyes staring at me unblinking or rather at my soul. Did she recognize me? I was standing right in front of her even though her mother could not see me but I had known that she could.

I was going to protect her without my presence being known to others.

Her little hands waved in air as if calling me to come closer, commanding me perhaps, yet I watched from afar, she was like my heart and my responsibility whom I would have to protect at any cost.

I was the god of love yet I never knew what love was till I met her tainted soul in the previous life. I wanted to save her, hoped that she would realize that the path she was walking was of destruction and devastation, it was nothing else yet I failed to do so.

The day she died, the pain in my heart suddenly appeared so excruciating that I wished to die and the bond broke as if telling me that I did not deserve her. I felt as if my heart was dying. as if somebody had ripped it off my chest and crushed it. Then there was absolute numbness, my eyes wept without abandon, a sadness so deeply engraved that for once I wanted that if only I was a mortal I would have killed myself at that moment.

One moment she was there and the very next she was gone. I, Eros was reduced from the stature of God to a mere statue..barely existing.

I might not have known lot of things in the world but still there was something inside me that said that I cannot leave Psyche this time alone, maybe it was fear so deep running inside my mind that I forgot that Persephone herself was looking after my mate.

After that I was beside the baby every single moment of her life watching her first birthday when her father bought her a blue dress that make the colour of her crystal irises glimmer even more. I went to her room when we were left alone and made funny faces at the baby in the cradle making her laugh.

I brought sprinkling stardust for her and rubbed her tiny head with it making her shoulder-length hair shine and pulled one lock for her to see making those blue eyes round and big with astonishment.

She looked so cute with confusion coating her chubby cheeks that day.

When she first learn to walk and along that walk waddled and fell, I was there like a specter, haunting her or more so she was haunting me as she laughed every time I dived to catch her from falling.

She was a troublemaking baby.

But later she could not see me as a Phantom looming over her every single moment of her so after spending a month assuring myself that she was safe, I returned to my castle and closed off myself from the entire world.

And then I played the broken melodies of my harp making celestial nymphs happy that they once in a while gave me some magical toy or beautiful mortal possessions that in turn I gifted my mate in secrecy. She did not had to know, what will a baby of four five years would suspect and even though her parents would be suspicious of those things I could care less, just take it as if she was immensely blessed.

I was so lost looking after my mate that I have given up all my duties and responsibility as the god of lust and love. But when there was no Eros there was no love and then there happened to be a dramatic steep fall in procreation activities which was not in the favour of the workings of the universe.

Zeus was apprehensive of me and the Council of Gods have invited me to meet them in Pantheon without any delay.

The order was not to be refuted or I would have ran away before meeting these terrible creatures. Now I finally understood why Hades avoided these meetings, living along with your beloved was peaceful and these all matters only made ones mind and heart ache.

The sparkling white throne of the heavens was decorated with golden Roses and white lilies, a chandelier and the layer above the very ceiling thousands of stars have poured their light together.

In this particular meetings when every single god was present because the matter was related to procreation of species and the world if the mortals did not populated the Earth then there would be a time where the Gods have no one left to worship them.

If the Gods did not procreated there would be no demigods looking after various little activities and controlling the seasons and wind of the cosmos according to their own will it would be a disaster and unknowingly I have created a war and a calamity there were droughts and people were dying and here I was immersed in a small angel.

Eros, welcome! we were waiting for you. Zeus smirked when he saw me in the way no god should have been, wearing the mortal clothes smelling like every mortal should and then I swear I didn't even realized that I was losing my godly powers and was becoming more and more like a common human being.

What are you doing to yourself Eros? Hera was usually quiet and just listening but now her eyes were filled with concern of what was about to come.

I am just trying to find my solace.

Is this the way to find your peace? I can completely understand that you love your mate and now that you are finally got what you wish, you want her to be by your side but you cannot neglect your duties Eros.

It's almost impossible for gods to be replaced, what we have done is already providing you so much time to spend as you wish, it has been years and now you have to be back.

But Hades and Persephone on the other hand just looked at me and smiled as if these other worldly things to do not matter to them. For a moment I could not understand the reason of that gentle smile but then I recalled Persephones words.

When the time comes you have to part your ways and let Psyche grow, dont hamper with her memories because in future if she remembers you, it will only create have to be back Eros and this is the demand of universe, you cannot change or neglect it.

I will comply to your wishes.

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