Their bond

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I approached the bed in hasty steps, nearly falling twice. His body was tense, a crease between his eyebrows. Just beside the bed a huge bowl was placed, a black liquid swirling in it.

"Hades" climbing the bed I whispered softly, stroking his hair, he leaned into my touch as I kept my palm on his was burning.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I observed he wasn't waking up even after minutes.

I stared at the Black liquid again and surprisingly it has gotten darker, onyx even. I touched the bowl only to pull my hand back in was his life was my mate's life essence burning like hot lava.

I searched frantically around the chamber finding absolutely nothing to rejuvinate Hades.

A magnificent silver mirror carved on the wall attracted my attention, my reflection was starting back at me with panic filled eyes, tears were streaming down my face.

"He is going to be ok, he is going to wake up, he is sleeping..just tired...yeah he is tired, he works so hard and he is tired." I mumbled nonsensical words, chanting them like a mantra. I was going insane.

Walking to the bowl, a proposition coming to my mind. Taking out the dagger I slashed my palm, crimson droplets falling in the vessel.

The liquid started boiling at the same time Hades groaned. The black colour liquid turning completely white.

"Hades! Baby! Wake up, please." Climbing the bed I clutched onto his collar.

He again groaned in pain, I put my hand on his heart as he abruptly sat up, his eyes wild, he gasped deeply, his hands holding my shoulder in a tight grip.

"Hades!" His grip loosened, senses coming back.

"Persephone?" I threw my hands around, embracing him tightly, snuggling into his chest, I was scared out of my mind today.

"Are you fine Hades?" I pulled myself away checking any scars on his body.

"I am now." The voice which I died to hear whispered in my ears.


"You can ask your mind Persephone, I know you are in turmoil." We were back in our chamber.

I was laying on top of Hades, holding him for my dear life, if he disappeared like that again...I don't even know what will I do.

"You shouldn't have been there that place is no good."

He sat up with me automatically shifting on his lap.

"Can I ask you something goddess?" I nodded my head to it.

"You found me in Selene's palace, in her bed, I had not returned home from past two previous nights and you aren't...." He sighed closing his eyes.

"Accusing you of cheating?" I completed for him.

"The day Selene cursed you....she touched you didn't she?" I asked and his jaw clenched hard, abhorrence and disgust evident on his face.

"She did." A cold, hard answer.

"And you burned the skin she touched." I whispered remorsefully. I will kill that woman cruelly, without any mercy. She will pay.

"Persephone..."he held my shoulders gently "....who told you that."

"I saw it in my dream."

"Rose, it was didn't even hurt."

"Sure it didn't Hades, if I keep a dagger to my heart it hurts but when you burn yourself or you put yourself in unmistakable danger it dosen't."

"Baby i-" Hades wiped my tears but I removed his hand angrily. The reality of what he had done today finally settling in.

Tears which I held for so long were cascading down my cheeks. And I was ugly crying, sobs after sob breaking from my chest.

"I hate you! I was so afraid today, it was like someone had crushed my soul, you don't have any right to do that to yourself. Lord! you are mine, not yours to abuse as you wish."


"You have a knack to be heroic in every sense, you are ready to die for my happiness but damn you don't get don't get that you are my happiness. What should I do to explain it to you? I am-"

He took my tear streamed face in his palm, his lips coming on my own stopping me from spilling my heart out.

"I am so sorry Persephone."



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