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Persephone's POV

"I always knew about your father but your mother ....I never actually did, until you told me that day about your wolf." He squeezed my hand in comfort as I laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeats....the only source of my peace.

"They say that moon goddess blessed Alpha Damien..your father, for his loyalty....she didn't. She wanted followers, worshippers and eventually ...slaves.

She molded her spirit into a werewolf- the first one, followed by others who would follow her each command without a question.

Alpha Damien was fierce and unwavering but he committed a crime...the felony to fall in love."

I stared in his deep eyes only to meet sorrow and I knew something terrible was to follow.

"Although the other werewolves were allowed to mate, Selene wanted Alpha Damien for herself, she wished for him to be pure and not follow a woman and have his own family, her thoughts were that family makes one weak. She wanted full control over him because she still believed him to be a part of her soul even though she ripped his off hers a long time ago.

But Alpha Damien didn't fell in love with a common maiden whom Selene could kill and make him forget about her. His love was prohibited and forbidden.

He loved a goddess- Astra, the goddess of light...your mother. She wasn't unaware of his emotions and as time descended she too fell in love with him. Your mother was taken away by Selene eventually when she disappeared but when she knew that your life would be in danger because of her, she went into hiding after running away from the moon goddess."

My eyes widened as no words could be formed on my tongue.

"Selene could only watch with malice at that time your parents married because she didn't had power against goddess Astra. But she had power over one thing....their werewolf child. She would have never harmed you, if you were not connected to me she would have instead blessed you." His voice got steely at the end, I was afraid with the amount of anger he was capable to hold inside him.

He wasn't waiting for a opportunity, he was waiting for the absolute time and it was too catastrophic. Hades was going to destroy something and I wasn't aware what it would be.

"Goddess Astra knew how cruel the moon goddess can be, so she decided to give her a gift- the palace of Stars and Light in reciprocity of a healthy child and swear her loyality and devotion to Selene." He spat her name with venom and I realized my fists were clenched in rage.

"You can stop when you want my King." Instead he pulled me closer burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"On your birth that evil woman truly realised who you were..." His arms tightened around me as his jaw clenched hard.

"And she fucking took away your wolf spirit, that maniac woman was so much obsessed with being my Queen that she broke our mate bond but it isn't that simple, she is not obsessed with me just for taking the throne, she wants to destroy me completely."

I gasped in terror "SHE DID WHAT?"
"That bastard was never your mate Persephone. It was me....always. But our mate bond was destroyed and he was tied to your fate.

The law of time unbounds me Persephone, I am above every curse, every sacrifice and every blessing. My life source is invincible.... literally.

And the only thing which can bound me, which chains me is my mate now....was my mate then. It was a path of you being born so at that time the curse worked.

But I could still feel you everytime you wanted me I could hear you and I did hear you the day you were running from the beast your father had become."

I gasped, my eyes widening.
"How?"I whispered shocked.

"He told you to search for black roses didn't he?"


"The only place they grew was right in front of my temple. No powers, no magic works there, the entrance is prohibited to anyone who is not a pure soul and he knew it."

My eyes glistened with tears. My dad was my hero and he should have never received that life of anguish.

"What happened to him? I-i didn't remembered anything after I entered the temple." Hades hands cupped my cheeks, kissing my forehead.

"He broke the sacred door of the temple and was anathematized to an endless sleep of nightmares." My heart broke with each word Hades spoke as tears trailed down my cheek.

Hades embraced me, protectively covering my body as I wailed in his shirt.

"Baby, don't cry my love."

"C-can we now f-free him" I hiccuped as his shook his head.

"We can't."

"But why Hades?" I was panicking now.

"Persephone, he is dead."


😪😪😴😴😴😴 I am off to bed.
I have met my soulmate on internet and I want you people to say hello.


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PS. My heart hurts with how precious she is. If I got my hands on her I will cuddle her all day...omg I am definitely in love

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