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Persephone's POV

Failure, a word so simple but with an impact so strong.. to shatter the foundation of your self belief and faith.

Hades draped me in a robe as I shivered from the frost. My father died protecting me and here I was enjoying the worldly pleasures. I was ashamed of myself...of the happiness I felt.

"But he was put to a curse, how can that happen...how can he die?" I asked with a voice unknown to my own self, it sounded empty.

"He was killed." Hades weaved his fingers in my hair, stroking softly as I take in a shaky breath, pain filling my lungs.

"Who killed him?" I asked slowly
"This isn't the time Persephone." My eyes widened and I whipped my head so fast, I was surprised it wasn't broken from the force.

"Screw time, I want to know now." A lump formed in my throat but I pushed it back, my eyes striken with anger, vengeance and rage seemed to dance in my vision.

"You should rest we will talk about this, I promise."

"No, I want to know."

"Goddess we will talk about it later, this is not right."

"Hades, please I want to know...you promised me truth."

"Persephone, I promised you truth...but I won't put you in a situation like this....where you will eventually get hurt."

I drew Athela from it's mane pointing it right to my heart."I will get hurt either way" I was wrong...so wrong to do this to him, but my patience has ended here. It was a low blow and I wish I could have taken my words back.

His jaw hardened, a barbaric look in his eyes.
He stood up towering over me, glaring hard as I looked into his eyes returning his glare.

I swear I saw a deep cyan colour filling his eyes but he snapped them shut, his hands fisting.

"I killed Alpha Damien."

My grip on Athela loosened making it fall from my hand. "You are lying, whom are you trying to protect? Hades -"

"I am not lying Persephone."

"Why?" He was silent.

"I asked you Why?... I fucking want an answer because If you are expecting me to kill you with Zerion....it's not going to happen Hades, so before I completely lose myself... Explain."

He remained quiet." I trust you more than myself so for the hell please..."

My voice was eerily calm, too calm to be true, I was breaking from inside, each and every layer of my heart being scathed with torment and grief.

He flicked his fingers, and a series of voice of a door banging loudly resonated throughout the palace....someone was breaking the barrier of hell.

"CHIEF DEMON WARRIOR YOUR PRESENCE IS COMMANDED!" his voice was deep and emotionless.

The Chief- highest general of Demon Army. The place in demon army was earned by the most deserving lost souls, the one who have seen darkness but still had will and strength to fight....a sense of light present in there heart, a sense of justice.

Black icy smoke whirled with the wind, the clanking of armour echoing as footsteps approached the throne, the mist clearing.

A man bowed down to Hades and me, his face shielded with a platinum helmet- the insignia of high power.

"General, take off your head armour."

"Yes King Hades" the man took off the helmet only for his blue eyes to appear.

"D-dad.....oh my Lord dad!" I gasped, hastily running down the stairs as his eyes widened.

I cupped his face, my eyes swelling with tears.

"Daddy" I cried hysterically throwing my arms around him.
"Oh my lord! My baby... Persephone!" He embraced me tightly, coming down on his knees, bringing me down with him as we both soaked ourselves in tears.

Papa pulled me away as I sniffled.
"King Hades, thank you so much for taking care of my precious child, I will be eternally grateful to you."

"I respect you General Damien but there is no need for gratitude. I only fulfilled my responsibility." He was closed off, warmth long gone just a blank look on his face.

"But she-"

"Persephone is my mate... I will leave both of you to talk. You can stay as long as you want General." And before we could speak anything Hades was out of the throne room.


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