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Hades' Palace

Persephone's POV

I lazily opened my eyes from the best sleep I had in years, being totally exhausted from last night.

The weather was cloudy, making it seem quite dark outside. The smell of lavender filled my lungs as cool breeze passed us. A day ago I was drowning in my sorrows, remembering every bad thing that I had encountered and just one touch of his was enough to make me breathe a fresh air of joy again.

I blushed hard recalling yesterday's events. We couldn't keep our hands each other. One session leading to another.

He was so strong, tracing my fingers on his abs, I tried to reminisce every hook and cranny, all those dips and rigid muscular pattern forming on his body. It all belonged to me and me solely.

His arm draped around my waist as I laid on top of him, his white shirt encasing my body was the only thing preventing our skin contact. His warmth seeping into my body.

Gentle but rough, Soft but vigorous, Dominant but submissive, Pure but absolutely sinning.....last night was everything.

I sighed tracing random patterns on his sculpted chest, his arms tightening around my body pulling me infinitesimally closer to him.
The Cold wind caressing my skin made me shudder as I curled into him.

"Baby?"  His raspy voice asked rubbing my back.

I hummed in response. He felt like home,  all safe and comforting.

"Are you cold?" I nodded my head burying it deep into his chest. He chuckled it response, kissing my hair.

I don't know what he did but I heard the sound of window shutting...must be one of his wizardry.

"You hungry?" And at the exact same moment my stomach decided to awaken the whole underworld by it's rumbling.

"And if that isn't a great response." I could feel the smile in his voice. He tried moving but stopped as I whimpered when his hands touched my thighs.

Damnit I was still sensitive down there. That delicious feeling making me aroused again.

"What's wrong goddess?"

I shook my head raising my eyes to met his smiling.
"I am sore." His eyes widened on hearing my voice. It has changed from melodious to groggy.

What else did you expect when you decided to scream the whole night. I bet you made him half deaf, my conscience rolled her eyes.

"My brave little baby, so fragile and so very intoxicating. " He whispered as I closed my eyes. I was wrapped in his strong arms which scooped me up. My eyes not bothering to watch where he was taking me.

Mild warmth engulfed my body, my aquamarines flowing open only to see Hades sitting beside me in the herculean bathtub. Azure water sparkling as roses glided on it's surface. My entire body as I could see then was covered with his marks and hickeys, he had taken me thoroughly.

A wooden box of strawberries were pushed towards me floating in the tub. I happily eat them as he just sat watching me with so much interest taking all my movements.

"These are so sweet, you should eat too"

"My hunger is stated goddess, I had something sweeter." He said smirking, a hue spread my cheeks as I took in his words.

After I was finished he took off my shirt now that my body was already soaking inside the water.

Raising me up, so to seat me on his lap, he poured a liquid from one of the glass bottles, gently massaging my hair with it- Jasmine.

His fingers lathering my scalp as they glided across the thick strands.
I moaned with the heavenly feeling.

"So damn responsive." Soft Lips coming gently on forehead without any hurry, delicately kissing it, stroking my hair.

I layed my head on his chest as his hands leisurely applied a cool liquid soap on my tired body ,washing it he made his way out of the mini pool, beads of water from my hair falling on his shoulder.

A towel wrapped around me as his fingers touched my inner thighs, applying an ointment.

"That felt good."
"I am so sorry goddess." Immense guilt swam in his eyes.

"Are you kidding me? Saying sorry for what.....for making me feel like the most cherished woman in the world? for making love to me?"

He wrapped his arms around me engulfing my body in much needed warmth.

"No goddess, for the pain you felt."

Little did I knew then that he will cause me pain like never before.


Double update today!!!!!!!

Double update today!!!!!!!

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