Just give me a reason...

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'That's bullshit, absolute bullshit.' Damian cursed down the phone as Kat called him on her way home. 'So you're out of work for two weeks because of this shit?'

'Well, three weeks really because we have the half-term week off at the end of the month.' Kat gripped the steering wheel tightly in frustration as she switched lanes, scowling at the guy on his phone that she overtook.

'They can't do this Kat, I'm pretty sure there are laws or regulations around this.'

'Damian, it's fine.' She tiredly interrupted his seething rant.

'It's not fine Kat.'

She could feel the tension in his voice as he proceeded with his rant.

'this is totally my fault, I've brought this on you, I've brought you blindly into this world with no warning, and I'm messing your life up. It's not fair to you Kat.'

'Damian,' Kat tried to interrupt him between concentrating on watching the oncoming traffic ready for her next turn and keeping up with his full pelted rampage.

There was a fleeting moment of silence between them before Damians now hushed voice broke.

'Look Kat, I only got told this today and it's probably come at a good time, to be honest, but... they're moving location. They can't get some of the shots they need so we're going out to Bulgaria at the end of the week.'

'What you're going to a different country?' Kat stalled the car in her haste causing a flood of irate drivers to began honking their horns, further adding to her irritation.

'Yeah, I know it's super last minute and all, I've never had this happen mid shooting before...'

'How long will you be gone for?' Kat almost whispered feeling yet another strong pang of disappointment in quick succession as the car stalled for the second time.

'erm... 5 weeks.'

'Piece of shit.' Kat shouted as the grumpy Audi driver behind her sped around her nearly causing an accident with the car turning out from the side road.

'Excuse me?' Damian's startled voice pierced through the car speaker.

'What... oh... sorry Damian, not you, just some DICKHEAD diver THINKING HE OWNES THE ROADS.' The driver was long gone to hear her thoughts about him but the sudden outburst was therapeutic in releasing some of the built-up tension she held.

There was another lingering silence between them as she finally shifted the car into first gear and pulled off into the side road.

'5 weeks?' she whispered, finding her voice once again.

'I know, it seems like such a long time but look, I think this is a good thing.'

'How?' Kat felt her frustration returning as she unnecessarily snapped in response.

'Well look what's happening Kat,' Damian cautiously began to respond. 'and this is only just the start of this stuff, if we go any further then it's only going to get more intrusive.'

'What are you saying Damian? What do you mean if we go any further?'

'Kat, calm down I'm just trying to...'

'No Damian I won't fucking calm down. I've had the worst day possible, my workplace doesn't want me, and now my fucking boyfriend sounds like he's about to say the same.'

'Kat!' He shouted, trying desperately to regain her attention as she rambled on. 'I do fucking want you, I want you so fucking bad, all the fucking time, but i don't want to be the reason the world you love falls apart, and then what happens huh? You end up resenting me for that, so I'm giving you a chance to get out before you can't get back.'

'I don't want out Damian, I want to be with you and I'll face whatever gets thrown my way. I can handle it.'

'Kat I'm not trying to be a prick here, but you feel that way because your in the moment. All I'm asking is that you to take a few days, I'll give you some space and then see if you feel the same way. If you do and it still feels worth it then we'll run into it head on, together, but if you don't, or if there's some doubt there, well then... I guess we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.'

'Fine whatever.'

'Kat, don't be petulant about this, it's not whatever, it's serious. You need to be 100% sure that this is worth whatever is going to be thrown at you, because it's going to come thick and fast from this point.'

'Fine. I'll see you in 5 weeks then.'

'Kat!' he snapped again, frustrated by her behaviour. 'No, not 5 weeks, that's ridiculous. Just till Friday, it's a few days, that's more than enough. You can't preoccupy with work, so use the time to do the self-work. Do the self-care, ask yourself the difficult questions, find the answers and I'll call you on Friday. We'll talk about it and whatever you decide... I'll support your decision.'

'Ok, so if I turn around on Friday and say we're done, you're ok with that? we part ways and that's the end of that?'

'If I believe that's 100 per cent truly the decision you came to, and that makes you happier, then yes. I will support that decision Kathleen.' There was a hint of desperation to his tone but Kat didn't offer any further challenges.

'Ok!' She softly whispered as she pulled into her drive.


'I'll speak to Friday Damian, you're right, just give me some time to figure this out.'

'Ok...' he paused like he was about to say something else but didn't. The silence between them was louder than anything Kat had ever experienced before.

'I gotta go Damian, I'll speak to you in a few days.'

'Kat, you can still call me if you need to, I don't want you to feel like I've abandoned you and I'm not here, I just want you to have some head space, think it through without my influence, you know?'

'Yeah I get it. I'll call you on Friday.'

'Ok... I'll see you Friday.'

'Speak.' Kat interrupted.


'Speak, you said see me Friday, but you meant speak.'

A soft harmonious chuckle filtered through the phone causing Kat to warm to the familiar soothing sound.
'Ok,' he finally spoke, 'I'll speak to you on Friday. I...'



'Sorry, I think the call broke up, I didn't catch the last thing you said.'

'Oh, erm, I said I miss you.'

'Oh right.' Kat felt an unusual pull in her stomach like that wasn't what she was waiting to hear. 'Yeah, I miss you too.'

That silence returned as neither spoke but couldn't bring themselves to be the one to end the call.
There was a loud commotion building in the background through the speaker, and Kat could hear Damians name being called.

'Hey, I gotta go. I'll call you on Friday if I haven't heard from you before then.'

'Yeah of course. Friday then.'

'Bye Kathleen.'

Her chest tightened slightly as she whispered goodbye and the call went dead.

***Authors note***

Could this be the end of their journey?
Will Kat give up and would Damian really let her go that easily?
I guess we'll find out soon!

Sending love
E xx

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