Dance Party ~Avengers

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You are Peter Parker's sister.

"Jarvis please tell everyone that is in the tower to come here." Tony said looking around at the lab. He had pushed his work benches aside and put couchs in one corner. He had snacks in the other and in the middle was a huge dance floor. "What do you want Stark?!?!" Bucky yelled walking into the lab. Steve, Pietro, Bruce, Clint, Peter, Ned, Scott Loki and Thor following close behind. "Well the girls are having a girls day so I want to have a dance party!" Tony yelled just as the guardians of the Galaxy parked outside and Quill, Rocket, Drax and Groot came to join them. Soon the room was filled with (sorta) men of all ages.
"Woooo go Peter!" Ned yelled at his best friend who was doing the worm. Clint was on the other side of the dance floor break dancing. "Go Clint Go Clint Go Clint!" A couple of hours of dancing later the group of (sorta) men where sitting around on a bench of chairs playing truth or dare.
"Truth or dare Tony." Quill asked
"Dare I'm no pussy!" Tony yelled slightly drunk.
"I dare you to challenge Thor to a drinking competition." Five minutes later and Steve had to stop the pair before Tony died of alcohol poisoning.
"Trwf or darrrre Capsicalll."
"Truth I don't trust drunk Tony."
"Do you wike Buckaroooooo?" Tony asked causing Steve to go red.
"I...I...Ive changed my mind can I go dare." Steve half mumbled
"Thats not how the games played." Clint argued.
"No bird brain shut up Ive got a good one." Tony said looking at Steve with an evil smirk.
"I darrrre you to kisssss buckarooo on de lipsssss." Tony said causing Steve to go even redder.
"Come on cap kiss the buck!"
(🎶Kiss the girl🎶)
Steve reluctantly got up and walked towards Bucky leaning down. Millimetres away from their lips touching Steve whispered "can I kiss you?" Instead of answering Bucky connected their lips in a sensational kiss. "Sooooo..... Stucky?" Peter asked Ned.
"Yep Stucky." Ned said a tear of joy running down his cheek. The two pulled away and everyone cheered. Little did they know y/n was standing on the dance floor staring at the group. "I'm going to walk away and pretend I didn't see anything." Y/n said causing everyone to look at her. Steve going even redder, Bucky smirking and the rest laughing.

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~Shayleigh 💜💙

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