Stray ~Sam

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Sam pov

I had just come back home from the another Stark Party. Honestly that man throws more party's then anyone Ive ever know. I walked up to my door a little tipsy but I could still see and know what I was doing. When I got to the door I heard a soft crying. Looking into my rose bushes, I saw a little girl sitting in the bushes with red splotches on her clothing. I quickly sobered up and bent down reaching into the bush getting a couple of scratches but I didn't mind I grabbed the girls hand and pulled her out. Looking over her body to see what else was wrong. She was skinny, like really skinny, she had h/c hair that was Knotty. She had a bruise on her face and down her arms her clothes were ripped and shredded apart to much to be only from the roses and dried blood was running down her lips. "Hey come on come inside." I said opening the door and letting her in. "So what's your name?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen to grab my first aid kit.
"Y/n." She whispered so quietly that I nearly missed it.
"That's a lovely name." I said taping a seat for her to sit on.

3rd person pov

The girl sat on the chair letting Sam clean the blood off her face. "What's your name?" She asked
"Sam." Y/n thought for a while. "I used to have a bunny called Sam." She said giggling. "How old are you kiddo?"
"Can you tell me what you were doing in my rose bush?"
"I fell." She said swinging her legs under the table. "From where?" Sam said chuckling slightly.
"Ahhh heh....the sky." Y/n said nervously.
"The.... sky?"
"The sky."
"Please explain." Instead of explaining a pair of huge f/C butterfly wings grew from her back. Sam took a step back and admired the wings
"There amazing." He whispered under his breath.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." Y/n said with a smirk. Sam playfully rolled his eyes, "Yeah whatever kid where's your parents?"
"Dead." She said looking at the ground sadly.
"Hey it's ok I'm here." Sam said putting his arms around y/n.
"I don't want to be alone anymore Sam." She cried into his chest her tears being absorbed into Sams shirt. "Ok let's go to bed butterfly we'll sort this out in the morning." Sam took y/n to the spar room. Y/n fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillows.

1 week later

"Dad!" Y/n yelled walking out of her room.
"What's up butterfly?"
"Where's my leaf?"
"What leaf?"
"The leaf that was on my desk."
"Oh that leaf," Sam said, "I threw it out."
"YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?" Sam took a big step away from his daughter her face was as red as a tomato. If she was a carton character Sam swore there wouldve been steam flowing out of her ears. "I...I ah threw it out." Sam chuckled nervously.
"You threw out my leaf?" Y/n asked calmly making Sam even more nervous. "I didn't realise it was important." Y/n stood there staring at Sam before walking off to her room. Half an hour later she walked back out holding a suitcase. "I'm going to visit Uncle Steve and Bucky while you," she said pointing a finger at Sam, "father think about what you've done."
"Butterfly?" Sam tried to reason but y/n held her hand up stoping him from saying anything more. "Nope good bye father come talk to me in a week." She said walking out of the house and walking to uncle Steve and Bucky's house. Knocking on the door she explained everything to Bucky. "Come on in kid." Bucky said opening the door wider inviting his Niece in. "Whatchya doin here cheese ball?" Steve said waking through the door. "You never did explain that nickname." Bucky said sitting on the couch, "and she's staying with us for a week her dad threw away her leaf." Y/n sat down inbetween her uncles as Steve began to tell the story of how she got her nickname.

After a week y/n went back to her father and he apologized saying that he didn't realise how important the leaf was. She forgave him but insisted that they go and find a new leaf. Which they did and Sam made sure to never throw out another leaf again.

Yay! Another one done. What did you think? Please consider voting and commenting. Love you's.

~Shayleigh 💜💙

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