Nice to see you again

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A couple of weeks after hooking up with Bruce's rival, we met up at his Bachelor pad again. Mike was there to let us both in, Bruce always lost his key card and had to continually ask for a new one from him. Throughout these past couple of weeks, Bruce and I kept in touch on a regular basis. He had to travel to New Orleans for a work conference, and had traveled to Key West to attend a coworker's wedding with his wife. Ha ha. He sent me a picture of a Mardi Gras type celebration on Bourbon Street. There was a topless woman with zombie makeup wearing a corset with beads around her. "So cool. Thought you'd like to see." While at Key West, he talked to me a lot. "I'm here at the bar. Drinking a Rum Runner. These woman came up to me and asked if I was alone. I said no waiting for my girlfriend. So when can you get here?" "There's a topless bar here. I need to show you off. You would be by far the most beautiful one." It was these texts that made me feel important. That he was thinking of me even during the most important times for him. I decided to wear a light blue hoodie which had the name of the summer town he lived at. The one thing that made him so desirable was that he had an amazing lake house in the town of Alexandria Bay. I would go up there every summer since I was born. It always had a special place in my heart, my summer cottage. It was being by the lake. The still calmness, peacefulness, and tranquility of all. Seeing the bay of water, as it twinkled upon the night stars, breathing in the fresh summer air. He showed me pictures, and I saw some similar things about the town I love so much. He told me that he would take me here one day. I sat on his lap as he put on his reading glasses and kissed me. He was wearing a light blue button up dress shirt and jeans. His big arms wrapped around me tight, and with his beard scratching my chin, it felt safe. He decided to order us some Italian food. He ordered fried calamari, chicken parm, and a Sicilian style salad. I poured us both a glass of Pinot. As the food came, Bruce went downstairs to pick it up. "You know he doesn't know about him. Yet." I looked at Mike with a stern look. "Please." He raised both of his hands up in defense. "Don't worry." I already did not like Mike to begin with. He was a smart ass, and just plain rude. Guess if you have 10 million dollars to the bank that will it effect your ego somehow. We all sat down and ate. They were both talking about who in their team would do the next surgery, and if they would both be attending. I sat there in my pink yoga leggings, and my worn adidas shoes that I always wore to work. I was such a young girl, and I still did not know what he saw in me. I sniffled, and Mike cracked a joke about me doing cocaine. Jessica told Mike previously that I had dabbled once or twice in the drug. Whenever I would go to see him, or if I was tagging along with Jessica, I had brought some with me. I guess it was my own version of what Lana Del Rey would do in the situation. I rolled my eyes, and both of the men in front of me laughed. 

"He has missed you a lot." Mike said, and he held my hand and smiled his toothy grin at me. Whenever he smiled, his face would scrunch up with his goatee. His face would become wider, as it emphasized that when he smiled, he was truly happy. After another glass of pinot, we all moved over to the leather set of couches in front of the television. I sat on his lap, and took his reading glasses and put them on my face. He tickled me and told me how cute I was. The wine was really getting to me at that point, and I just wanted his hands all over me. "I'm going to go change." I smiled and grabbed my LV Pink Monogram purse. I texted him a previous picture of me in a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader costume. It had white pom pom's with it too of course. I bought the costume online, and it was as if I had ordered it in a kids size. The shorts barely covered my thighs let alone my whole ass. But with the right push up bra, I looked like just about every other NFL cheerleader. My blonde hair was straight, and my thong pulled up enough to expose my waistline. I opened the wooden door and saw him stand up for him to grab me. Touchdown. "Ok, well. On that note, I'll leave. See you tomorrow man. Nice to see you Ava." Whenever I got drunk with them, I got drunk. You know? "Oh, I have to get something from my truck." "Ok, come back." "I will." He kissed me. 

I know he has walked out previously before, and left early many times before. Whenever he left and walked out the door I always had a fear that he would not come back. Time always moved slow. 20 minutes would go by, then 40 minutes would go by. It came to a certain point in time where you would just have to give up and accept that he wasn't going to come back. The door opened. "I thought you left." "Of course not." I smiled and he kissed me passionately. We went back to his room of the apartment. He turned on the lamp light, and I got on top of him. I put my hands on his open chest. It was freshly tanned, and bulky. As if he had just hit the gym that morning. We both moaned simultaneously. The liquor got to my head, and it felt more amazing with every touch. I moved up and down, putting my chest up while waving the white pom pom's in the air. Every moan got more loud, that's what it was like with him. I didn't want to, but I had developed more feelings for him every time I saw him. How could I not? He made me feel alive, and even though I did not know it, it was just the beginning. He took me from behind and spanked me. When I got on top of him again, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. "Fuck me, babe. Fuck me please." I licked my upper lip and smirked. It was nice to know that I had the power. For now.

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