I'll do Anything

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Two weeks after Bruce and I met up, we met each other in person again. I came to see him at the Bachelor pad and made him dinner. He was there on time for once. I was a little shocked. As we walked into the elevator together, he smiled his toothy grin at me and I giggled. I did like him a lot. Sure, the money and attention were great, but he was a decent man. Even then I knew he was cheating on his wife with me, I still had these feelings for him. I was wearing New York Giants sweatpants and a Calvin Klein sports bra. I made him my specialty dish. Pappardelle with rapini and provolone sausage. As I was heating up the sausage on the pan, he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Mmm, smells good." He moved my blonde hair and kissed my neck. As the pasta was finished, I set up the table and kissed him. I knew that I did not cook it right as I had hoped, I did not put enough water in the pasta. He tasted it and said it was amazing. "Stop lying." "I'm not babe!" His phone went off, it was one of his business partners. He had to check something off his phone to confirm that he would be in the hospital the next day. I looked at him and smirked. Look at my big business man. Even though I could have spent the night there, we both decided to go home. We both walked out, I had a box with the ingredients I had to bring over that I was carrying. He walked me to my car, and I noticed he looked both ways before kissing me. He had told me previously that his wife had hired a private investigator to look out for him. 

My parents were out of town. Jessica and I thought it would be fun if Mike and Bruce could come over. I had a pretty big house with a hot tub in the backyard. The morning of the day they were supposed to come over, they both cancelled. We were both mad because we always drove up to see them, but they never came to see us. This would be a prominent problem later on in my relationship with Bruce. I was in contact with him saying how upset I was and how this night meant a lot to me. I threatened to end things with him. I was in class during this time. When class was over, I checked my phone and saw that there was a $1500 in Venmo sent to me. "Please, please forgive me. I don't want to lose you. Promise promise I'll make it up to you." Jessica was in shock, as I was. Mike texted her saying "He's wasting money like it's water!!" Later that night, Jess came over. I decided to do a line and was feeling upbeat. I had money, I was young, blonde, and a ball of fun. Why would I have a reason to be unhappy? We eventually got drunk and I texted him pictures of me in a black cherry push up bra, and a black cherry thong. I sent him a picture of my lips with my boobs pushed up. "What you missed tonight." "That is an unfair tease babe." He was stuck in an airport, as his plane kept delaying and he was in Nashville. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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