No Show

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I was in Psychology class and my phone lit up. It was a text from Bruce. "What is your schedule like next week?" I smirked. "Okay, guys. Remember to do the online tests this weekend." I grabbed my Pink backpack while shoving my books in it quickly and grabbed my phone. "I work Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday but I always get off at 6:30 I hope that's not too late I can get to you by 8." I sent the text and was excited. I only met up with him two times now, but he was mysterious and I wanted to get to know him more. I know he has a wife and everything, but he seems that he might be hiding something. I drove home and did not want to do my homework. Jessica called me and asked me what I was doing for the night. "Nothing come over." "Ok I could sleepover". While I was waiting for her, Bruce texted me back. "Want to meet Wednesday where we first met? 6?" I smiled. "Yes that would be nice." I responded back. "Cool. See you then." After I received his last text, the doorbell rang. "What's up dog." "I just made plans with Bruce." "Oooh, when?" "Next Wednesday. We're meeting at the castle where I first met him." "I love that place." "I don't know, something about him seems like he's hiding something." "Well, if I'm being honest with you, I think his wife knows about him cheating and she's not a fan. Linda seems fucking scary." "I don't think he would talk about me to his wife. Besides it's not like I see him all the time." "Michael told me once that he hooked up with a girl a couple of times and he threatened Bruce saying that if you don't buy me this $50,000 apartment I'm telling your wife everything. He was freaking out to Michael, he had no idea what to do." "Holy shit." I almost felt bad for him when I heard that story. Karma bit him in the ass I guess. 

After my case, I went to the cafeteria and logged on to my Seeking Arrangements account. I saw all the messages from the girls in my town. I had 50 unread messages, I knew that I wasn't going to open any of them. I clicked on her page. She looked so sweet and innocent. "Big movie and music buff. Can't wait to meet you!" I texted her. "Send me a hot pic" I grinned and thought of her tan, soft body. I could tell that she wanted more than just money. I really like her, she has something special in her. My phone lit up to her sitting on her bathroom counter with her ass showing in the mirror while she was wearing a sweater. "Your ass looks incredible." I saved this picture and finished my sandwich. It was about 4, so I decided to head home before Linda freaks out. As I arrived home, my son and his girlfriend were there. "Hi, kids. What are you doing here?" "Honey, we invited them over for dinner remember?" "Oh right." I put down my briefcase, and kissed Linda's forehead. "What are you making, babe?" "Eggplant parm." She cut off a bite and fed it to me. I licked my lips. "Delicious honey." I secretly wanted to gag. I hated Linda's cooking some of the time, and maybe I'm a food critic but this honestly tasted like an over toasted PopTart. I knew I was just bitter about not seeing her, but I had to suck it up and pretend. I kissed Linda's cheek. "So, son, how is everything at Marketing? Are you going to be promoted to VP next month?" I asked him while I poured myself a glass of bourbon. "I hope so. Things have been moving up for me, and Samantha here has been doing very well selling her makeup." "I'm so proud of you guys." They both smiled at each other and kissed. It reminded me of when Linda and I were first married. I was rising on the food chain of Orthopedic Surgeons, and Linda was working as a bartender part time. We had our whole future in front of us and we welcomed it with open arms. As time passed, Linda got more greedy and started to work less. I, however, started to work more. I wanted to spend time more with my colleagues than my bitchy wife. With Linda it was the same. She would rather be out shopping with her girlfriends and driving my boats. We would, still, host parties at our house. That was really the only time I truly liked spending time with her because we were both plastered drunk. Any chance I got to cheat, I did. It would fill the empty hole that Linda was sucking out of. I worked so hard for where we were, and she spent it all on Louis Vuitton purses and plastic surgery. My phone lit up. "See you Wednesday!" I smiled. "Who's that?" "Oh, it's Michael. He just sent me a joke." Linda was sipping her glass of red wine, and looked at me up and down. I put my arm around her to reassure her it was not anything else.

I got home from class and started to get ready for my meet up with Bruce. I put on leggings and a cute button up sweater. Not buttoned up all the way, obviously to show some cleavage for him. I put on suede nude booties and started to put on makeup. I played some unreleased Lana Del Rey songs, then my phone lit up. "So so sorry. Can't make it tonight. Just got called to save a case in NH. It's an 8 and a half hour drive. Can we reschedule?" I frowned, I really wanted to see him. "It's ok! What day works for you?" I got a venmo payment of 200$. "Meeting." I called Jessica. "Bruce cancelled. Want to come over?" I hung up the phone when she said she had to get her stuff. 

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