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There are certain recognizable characteristics that mark a country as a dictatorship: a single political party, executions (without trial, or mock trials) for political crimes, nationalization or expropriation of private property, and censorship.

"Where there are sacrifices, there is someone collecting the sacrificed offerings. Where there is service, there is someone being served. He who speaks of sacrifice speaks of slaves and masters. And pretends to be the master. But if anyone ever tells you that you should be happy, that this is the natural right of every man as an end in himself, that the achievement of your own happiness is the highest moral purpose of your life, and that you need no higher aim to vindicate it, that man is not after your soul. That is the man who has nothing to gain from you."

"And you believe Inspector Takahashi is one of them. She is still influencing you... and will take advantage of that."

Kasei Joushuu was sitting with her legs slightly apart and her hands on the armrests of her seat, but when she looked to the right opening her mouth, she sighed and turned her head to the side.

"I'm curious about the way she thinks."


Kasei took a deep breath as the male voice fell silent.

"Yashiro is my friend."

"Why?" his voice echoed. "Why is she your friend?"

Kasei frowned and narrowed her eyes a bit.

"We're so different yet she can assume my point of view."

"By profiling the criminally insane mind. It's good to find someone clever enough who sees beyond our suit. Someone worthy of our friendship. It requires trust. You are very secretive and have trouble with trust."

Kasei sighed deeply and raised her chin for a moment.

"For me to consider someone my friend he must have his own reason for living, even if that means opposing me. He must not rely on my dreams and ambitions, otherwise he would be giving up his own. A friend is an equal."

"What your sister made you feel was beyond your control. Something you could not predict."

"Kirino Touko reminded me so much of her," Kasei smiled for a second and her eyes narrowed with strange detachment.

"Did you know that a man's brain undergoes surprising psychological and biological changes when he becomes a father?"

Kasei raised her eyebrows and blinked, as if waking from a dream.

"You also said that the way we think changes after killing," she frowned a bit.

"Sometimes parents can be killers too."

Kasei looked down for a moment, then to the left.

"I've been so focused on taking lives that I never thought about making one."

She frowned with a concentrated face staring straight ahead, as if trying to solve a complex puzzle or dilemma she had never heard of before.

"You were a father to your sister. She was not your child, but she was your charge. Children help us discover who we are. She must have taught you a lot about yourself. What Inspector Takahashi makes you feel is cut from the same cloth. And yet you didn't kill her in the end. Why didn't you elevate her, the way you did with your sister?"

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