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Walking towards the street, the sound of a car engine and an icy wind caused Yashiro to turn her head to the side, then look ahead again. The black vehicle had stopped near her, and out of it stepped a tall, short brown-haired man who approached her with the hint of a smile.

"Thanks for coming," she spoke in Korean.

Choe Gu-sung laughed while opening the car door for her, "You really got to work in that accent."

Yashiro smiled, pulling her hands out of the pockets of her black hooded jacket, and got into the car. Soon they were driving down streets without scanners. Choe leaned an elbow on the door while slowly moving the steering wheel with one hand. The sky was dark, with no stars.

"Are you still tracking the flow of data collected by the cymatic scans?" she asked.

"I am."

"Will you double check the Ministry of Welfare's Nona Tower for me?"

Choe turned his head towards her for a moment, "You have a clue that the Sibyl System servers are housed in that building?"

"I'll let you find out."

"Well, well, someone has a secret Santa, a source? When you're ready to share, I'd love to hear."

Choe's smirk faded as he looked at her serious countenance, eyes narrowed as if she were trying to solve a complex puzzle.

"I figured out a pattern. Studying old unsolved cases in which the subjects were declared unknown, I realized that regardless of the number or nature of the crimes they committed, there were no reports of crime coefficients, and after they were caught by the PSB, the procedure carried out was to transfer them to the Ministry of Welfare. Some escaped before they arrived, others were disposed of afterwards. You must be guessing who I'm referring to. One of them was Touma Kouzaburou. Even if there are slight variations in each story, it's suspicious no matter how you look at it, since all those men disappeared and never committed crimes in society again. Whatever they do with them, must be of great importance to the Sibyl System. Enough to keep it secret by imprisoning those who were part of those cases, and banning them from ever working at the PSB again. I know it's too spread out and random to be organized—"

"But you don't believe that. You're onto something."

Yashiro blinked a couple of times, leaning back against the car seat and softening her then clenched fist. She took a deep breath.

"If I were them, that's exactly how I'd do it. I'd spread it out making it look random. I'd get rid of anyone who asked too many questions. However, doesn't centralization pose a security risk? One that someone can exploit. I want to believe they would be careless on purpose."

"Keeping it secret must be worth the risk. I can't wait to find out... the true nature of the Sibyl System. Yashiro, I'm going to look into this."

"Please do. It might be very important to us."

"You're one hell of a detective. You know, when I first met you, one of my first thoughts was that despite being so young, you were too serious, like you've been missing out on something on purpose. I was wrong. You're not like him."

Yashiro chuckled, "Who?"

"Makishima," Choe glanced at her with curiosity. "You're just not as conceited as he is."

Surveying the skyscrapers, Yashiro raised an eyebrow and her smile faded.

"I am conceited, if you want to put that term. I don't make comparisons. I never think of myself in relation to anyone else. I don't measure myself as part of anything."

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