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A man with short blond hair in his fifties was reading a book, laying on the bed in the gray pants and shirt characteristic of latent criminals. He turned the page leisurely, completely engrossed. There were five more books in the cell, stacked neatly.

"Are you Meyer Kane?" Yashiro's voice echoed in the clean, white hallway.

The man rose from the bed in one quiet movement, sitting down on it, barefoot, and raised an eyebrow as he looked at her. His eyes were light blue. She assumed he was of northern European descent.

"It's strictly restricted for a PSB inspector to visit me," he paused, studying her calm demeanor. "You are not here exactly by the book."

"I have some questions about your last case. I am here because I need your help. A former patient of the man you captured is on the run."

When Aoyanagi entered the Division 2 office, she heard shouting and people screaming. One of the screens was on, showing images of a protest in the city of Tokyo. There were not many people, but she stood for a moment watching as if she could not believe it. Then she walked over to the desk and used the keyboard to close that tab, silencing the office. Only then was she able to catch the attention of the enforcers.

"Did you put the Hime girl in a detention room?" Aoyanagi questioned, turning around.

"Yes, ma'am," Katashi responded quickly, in a deep voice. "The internal hard drive taken out of the computer was smashed with a hammer, and a flash drive was thrown into the toilet at home. Data is unrecoverable. We believe she has attempted to destroy vital evidence. It might be necessary to conduct a strip search."

"I'd like you to lead the interview with her," she addressed Kozuki.

"She's a juvenile," he pointed out.

"It shouldn't matter, since sex isn't the issue," Daiki said with a shrug.

"How can you be sure if there's still no proof?" Katashi shook his head.

"He kills his victims—not rape them. He must be using her the same way he used Miyake."

"Anyway, wouldn't it be more appropriate for her to talk to a person of the same gender?" Kozuki opened his palm, while resting the other on his hip.

"You're probably right. Easier for her, too. That's why I want you to go in first instead of me. I'd like to see how she deals with a man of similar looks," Aoyanagi nodded, glancing at Kozuki's tousled dark hair, then around, scanning the office. "Have you seen Inspector Takahashi? She has an appointment."

Daiki lifted an eyebrow and exchanged a glance with Kozuki. Aoyanagi looked at them all with a serious face, until she raised her arm manipulating a hologram over her wrist, to call the other inspector.

Yashiro's wristcom beeped, displaying an icon with Aoyanagi's face, but she ignored it to open a profile on a hologram in front of the cell. The man walked towards it, leaning forward to study the image of a young man with short black hair.

"I know him. He was one of the patients I interviewed. Last time I saw him, he was rushing out of Uchida's house the day he was captured. The wife's hue was clouded and she ran away with that man. But she was killed by a dominator. I have read the news. I know the bureau is after him. You are lucky he showed himself."

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