Black and White

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"So that's why you pressed the emergency button. I can't believe you even did it in the pattern for morse code. When did you learn that?" I scratch my cheek embarrassedly. "Well, I kind of studied what the code for S.O.S was before the trip because I was feeling a bit paranoid at the time." Dr. Malagrene gives me a patient smile in response. "Of course you did."

"W-well, how'd you catch that it was morse code?" I try to change the subject. "My brother was in the Navy, and he said that since he had to study morse code I'd have to." "You have a brother?" I genuinely didn't know that. "Yes, but enough about me. Please continue your story."

"No." I give a smug grin. "I want you to tell me what was happening on your side during all of this. "Fine, I'll have you know I was very worried."


Dr. Malagrene's POV:

I find myself rubbing my eyes. Yet another late night. I check my clock. 12:41 AM. Must've had more work to do than I thought. I look back at the files on my desk. 2 people, in particular, are highlighted. Trenton Pollock, and Joshua Washington. Joshua isn't one of my patients, but, Dr. Hill's, who works next door and we happened to find out that both of the boys are suffering from how the Washington twins went missing.

I haven't told Dr. Hill much about our sessions but based on what Trenton experienced. They had to have died in that fall. Looks like Joshua refused to believe it however, that is until his parents arranged a funeral several weeks later. Trenton told me that Joshua's refusal to believe him was the dividing line in their cracked relationship. And that's when they started drifting apart. To quote Trenton himself, "It was when not responding went from being a rarity to the status quo."

Trenton keeps telling me about what he could have done differently that day. And every time he brings it up it hurts my heart. I don't want to say this, but the truth is... Trenton needs to learn to accept the past. He can't keep letting it control his life. I hope this trip can help teach him tha-

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear a noise coming from the speaker that accepts that button I gave Trenton's signal.

Beep, Beep, Beep. Beeep, Beeep, Beeep. Beep, Beep, Beep.

Why did he tap it 9 times? And why were the middle 3 longer... wait, that pattern sounds familiar. I run it through my mind again. Morse code? I jog through my rusty memories as I can nearly hear my brother's faded voice, "And this one is the most important message. S.O.S! You remember what that means right?"

I can feel my heart sink after that fond memory. It's bad enough Trenton felt the urge to press the button. But to encode a message? Something's gone wrong! I quickly grab my phone and dial the number for the park rangers.

"Park ranger service for Blackwood County."

"Hello, I'm Dr. Malagrene and I think something's going wrong on Blackwood Mountain sir."

"What's wrong ma'am?"

"Well, I just got an S.O.S from one of my patients and I'm worried."

"Copy that. We'll send helicopters over first thing once this storm is over."

"And when's that?"

"Dawn, at the earliest. Not until dawn."

"Thank you."

"Just doing my job."

I slump into my chair and run my fingers through my hair as I look at the time once more. 12:45.

"I hope everything will be alright..." I dial Mrs. Pollock's number to tell her the news.


Chris's POV:

"Trenton has decided to save Joshua."

"Trenton!" I scream as the monitor displays Trenton holding his breath, trying to survive as long as possible. I look around frantically. Where is he? I have to save him! I quickly rush to look around for the exits or untie the others but every door is locked. Time quickly passes in my frantic running as I try something, anything to get out of there. But nothing, I have to resign myself to watching one of my friends die.

I have to resign myself to watching one of the best people I know die.

He's not perfect, but he tried. He tried so much, and this is his reward... That's just not fair.

I watch on as he coughs, unable to hold his breath anymore as he breathes in the no doubt toxic air. He gives us one last parting smile and mouths the words, 'Looks like I won't be getting a chance to be forgiven huh?' as he crumples to the ground. The feed cuts out then. Then I hear a sawblade start.

"W-what?! But Trenton chose to save Josh!" I scream as the saw blade goes down the track towards Josh. Ashley looks away as a sickening scene unfolds. The visceral sight burning itself into my memory as disgusting noises and harrowing screams ring out of Josh and his soon-to-be-dead body.

I hear a subtle click as the doors unlock, I unmotivatedly walk in and untie Ashley. The air is so heavy it's hard to breathe. Ashley cries into my shoulder, and Josh... I can hardly look at the unmoving corpse of my best friend. "Trenton..." I hear Ashley start. "Did he just sacrifice himself for nothing?" I hear her choke up a bit.

I grab the SD card he gave me out of my pocket and clenched it tightly, making sure not to break it. I don't think I'll ever use this thing, but I swear I'll hold onto it for as long as I live, Trenton. It's the least I can do as a show of respect.

I guide Ashley out of the room as our spirits are low. Exiting the room we come face to face with the outside. We see Matt and Emily. "Emily, Matt!" They look are direction as I call out to them.

"Woah, what happened to you? You guys look... sad." Emily says concerned. "Yeah." Matt follows up. "There... there was this psycho and now Trenton and Josh are dead..." Ashley replies. "Wait, dead?!" Emily says shocked, before realizing the severity of the situation. She doesn't look as sad as we do, but she and the others weren't on super good terms in the first place. Matt looks pretty devastated though. "W-what happened?" Matt asks. "Chris... Chris had to choose to save me or Josh, and Trenton had to choose to sacrifice himself or not for the other. But Trenton's choice didn't matter as they both died anyway." Ashley gets choked up as she relives the event.

"W-well, we need to get help then right?" Emily says, uncomfortable with the mood. "We can go down to the cable station and call for help when we get down!" Emily points out. "W-well, we need to warn Sam!" I say. Matt interjects, "How about me and Emily go try and get help and you two go warn Sam?" I nod. "Okay, see you soon." Emily and Matt head off, as I lead the way back into the lodge.

We reach the doors in silence. I try to make conversation to get my mind off of the tragedy that occurred moments prior. "You ready to save Sam, Ashley?" I can see her wipe her eyes with her mittens. "Yeah."

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