Canadian Psycho

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"I fulfilled my part of the deal, so now it's your turn Trenton." Dr. Malagrene finishes her side of the story. "Right." I pick back up from where I left off.


"Tr-...on!" I hear a voice. I then feel something collide with my back. "Trenton!" My once stationary body wakes up. I open my eyes to see that I'm in a room somewhere. It's different than the one I was stuck in earlier. Actually, wasn't I supposed to die in that room? Why am I alive? "TRENTON!" The voice screeches into my ears once more. It's Sam's voice. "Sam?"

I look around a bit more, my body has started to notice the scene it's in. I'm tied up to a chair in a room I sort of recognize. My memory's a bit hazy but I think this is underneath the lodge? I've rarely come down here before so I don't know for sure. "Whoo. You're finally awake. I was worried for a second." Sam's voice echoes from behind. I struggle against my bindings a bit my hands are somewhat loose but not enough to reach into my pocket. I accidentally rub into Sam's hands though.

"We should be fine, Sam. I managed to alert my therapist with an emergency button she gave me. Hopefully, she got the memo."

"Trenton..." She starts, I can already guess what song and dance will come out of that conversation so I push it along. "I pressed it earlier when this Pyscho asked me to sacrifice myself for Josh. I guess it was a lie... because I'm not exactly dead now am I?" "You'd sacrifice your life for Josh?" Sam asks, surprised. "W-well, I don't know. It felt really... tense in there. And... I felt I couldn't let another Washington die on my watch." My voice broke a little bit towards the end. "Hey-" Our conversation gets cut short we hear a knock near a wall grate on one side of the room.

It's Mike! And he looks... well, terrible. "Mike!" Sam calls out. "Holy shit. Are you guys okay?" "I think so?" I reply. "Yeah, we're good, but what happened to you? You look like you ran a marathon through bushes." Sam adds on. "It's because I did!" I realize something as Mike says that, I notice someone who should be at his side isn't there. "Mike... where's Jessica?"

I see a pained expression leak through his face as I ask the question. "Jessica is dead!" "W-wh-what?!" "Some maniac dragged her through the woods and she fell into the mines!" The room goes silent for a bit. "No..." What's with this mountain and people falling to their death? Sam steps up to the plate to get us back on track. "Mike! Can you get us out of these?" Mike and I get refocused as she says that. "Oh. Right. Scoot over here." Sam and I scoot over to grate. I conceded the first go to Sam.

"Cool machete. Where did you get it?" I ask Mike noticing the out-of-place tool in his hands as he cuts me loose. "I chased that guy into this old sanitorium. The place was creepy. I think there was this cover-up related to the mines. But, uh, care to explain why the both of you were tied up down here?" "Psycho knocked me out after I tried to run away from him," Sam explains. "They did this sick, murder game with me. I guess it was a lie though, as I only got knocked out."

"Well, look. There's a door here but it's locked. Can you open it from you guys' side?" Mike asks. Sam and I get out of our bindings and open the door for Mike after she grabs her bag which had been hanging from it. She goes to the other side of the room and places it down. I turn away but it sounds like Mike didn't get the memo. "Mike! Can you turn around?" I can almost see the realization hit his face. "Oh. My bad." Sam gets dressed shortly afterward.

We hear some voices coming from another door at the far end of the room. It sounds kind of like Chris and Ash. "What was that?" Sam asks as we head over to investigate. "It sounded like Chris and Ashley," I say, providing my own two cents. Mike goes to open the door but it's jammed. He looks at me. "Trenton. Give me a hand will you?" I nod. "On 3. 1... 2.... 3!" We both slam into the door and stumble through the doorway as it gives in to our combined force.

In the room we see Chris and Ashley tied up to a long table with saws hanging above them. Chris holding a gun as we see him fire it at a masked individual. The bullets don't seem to be doing anything though. "Chris, Chris, Chris." The figure starts. "Seriously, haven't you heard of blanks before?" The figure stops in plain view of us as we rush over to free Chris and Ashley from their restraints.

They then take off their mask to reveal the face behind it to be Joshua's. "Josh?!" The 5 of us scream out. "Oh, oh very good! Every one of you! Got my name! And after all you've been through! Good, good-good-good. I mean how does that feel?" Josh starts as Sam and I untie Chris and Ashley respectively.

"Right? How does it feel? Do you enjoy feeling terrorized? Humiliated? I mean, panicked? All those emotions that my sisters got to feel once one year ago! Only guess what? They didn't get to laugh it off! No! Nope! No no no! They're gone!" He continues along, with a sickening excitement spread through his voice. Everyone else, including me, sporting a look that ranges from unamused to downright furious.

"I don't know if you noticed this Josh, but none of us are laughing." Mike claps back. "Yeah, what the hell dude?" I ask angrily.

"Oh come, come-come-come-come. Why the long faces? Come on! It's good to get the heart racing every now and then, right? And race they did, I mean, every one of you, just pitter-pat, pitter-pat! I hope you appreciated my little phantasmagorical spectacle!" He raves on.

"I mean, no detail too small! No opportunity missed! It was such a delight to play the puppet master to all of your Pavlovian panic! And all that gore? I mean, gore, there was gore galore!!! Fake bodies... I mean, God that shit was expensive! And no retakes! Nope, nope, nope, only double takes! You should have seen your faces. Hook, line, and sinker, for every little stinker!" His insanity continues.

"Josh, why are you doing this?" Sam asks. "Don't even ask the squirrelly runt. He's got no clue. He's out of his fucking tree." Mike answers for her. "And I thought I responded badly. I mean Jesus Josh! What the hell's your problem?!" I yell out. "Aw c'mon guys, you know revenge is the best medicine!" Josh responds. "Revenge?! Chris, Sam, and I weren't even part of your prank you... gah, I can't even bring myself to insult you that's how bad this is!" I shoot back.

"What? Come on, you guys are all going to thank me when you guys become internet sensations!" Josh speaks excitedly. "What?" Chris and I find ourselves asking.

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