Extra 2: Actions and Consequences

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Hello all, 'tis I, the author, and I'm here to say some stuff to you guys. Mainly about Trenton's involvement in the story. Basically, the Butterfly Effects from his actions, and their consequences. I like to think of him as a DLC character, as he doesn't affect a huge portion of the events. So let's start:

#1: Memento Mori

- This is the first butterfly effect with Trenton in it, and would actually be the first decision in that game that matters. In the opening cutscene, Trenton will no matter what, follow Beth outside of the lodge, I like to think this section kind of splits between the two of them, swapping your control around. Trenton, of course, is slightly behind Beth in the timeline.

-At the cliff face when Trenton is holding Beth up it swaps your control to Beth after Hannah falls. In it, Beth gets the choice to either hold on or let go. Holding on will kill Trenton along with Beth as he will slip off the cliff alongside her. If Trenton dies here, the game goes along as normal, except some lines and scenes are changed to reference Trenton, and Trenton's Wallet and grave join Beth in the mines. Hannah's diary also changes based on what happens, for Trenton living it says: "I fell down before Beth, I think Trenton managed to catch her before she fell with me. But, soon after, Beth fell too. That must've hit Trenton hard... I hope he doesn't blame himself for this." and for if Trenton dies it says: "I fell down before Beth did, I think Trenton managed to catch her... but soon after, they both fell down beside me. I'm saddened, but, it's a nice thought to think Trenton held on long enough for that to happen."

#2: Substance Abuse

- This butterfly effect takes place when Trenton decides to drink the bottle of beer in the fridge. This butterfly effect hardly has an effect on the story, however, in the Sam Psycho chase scene she can pick it up as a weapon, and in the finale, the bottle has 2 effects, it can be used to distract the wendigo for free, but if you fail a QTE related to stepping on it on accident you get another don't move.

#3: The Spirit of Sacrifice

- Trenton deciding to push the button or not does not have any major impact on the storyline. If Trenton presses the button the scene plays as it did in the story, and the effects this decision has outside the scene is that Josh is a lot more amicable towards Trenton, some hidden spite he had from his sisters' death washing away.

- If Trenton does not push the button, Josh "dies" first, followed by Trenton being gassed. Josh's attitude towards Trenton will be more antagonistic, leading to Trenton being given the option to punch him during the shed scene after a mean remark.

#4: Once Bitten

- This Butterfly Effect will not exist if Trenton does not die alongside Beth, as Mike loses the revolver in the Shed no matter what if Trenton lives.

#5: Redemption

- If Trenton survives the run from the Shed scene, (In that scene Trenton can die from failing too many QTEs alongside Chris as control will swap to him, ending in Chris sacrificing himself for Mike, Sam, and Josh if you fail too many), this butterfly effect will exist. If not, this butterfly effect will not exist.

- Trenton grabbing the flare gun is part of a cutscene when you aren't in control of him. Ashley can go back for it, as well as Chris if he was left behind.

- Redemption is the choice of leaving the mine with Sam or Mike and Josh. Leaving with Sam has the two talk together on the walk back to the lodge, and eventually running as per the usual cutscene.

- Choosing to stay with Mike and Josh has four different outcomes. Trenton can save Josh if he succeeds in a QTE and Josh gets dragged back to the mines if you fail. Josh will die no matter what if the journal is not found as Wendigo Hannah will kill him before Trenton has the chance to save him, the flare shot instead, being used to defend himself, Trenton dying if he fails the QTE.

The Extra Flare: If Ashley or Chris gets the flare since Trenton died, it has these effects on the game: Ashley can save herself and Chris from the trap door wendigo in the left behind butterfly effect, as she will scare it back down the trapdoor. If Ashley does not grab the flare she will die alongside Chris if he was alongside her. If Chris is left behind and Ashley had not grabbed the flare, Chris can save himself from opening the trap door himself, or the wendigo that got let out from Ashley opening it.

If the flare gun is not used before going to the rock wall, Ashley will keep it, or Chris will give it to her.

#6: The Result of Chaos

This section is an actual butterfly effect in the game, that is used for character deaths or survival.

- Trenton failed to defend himself while running from the wendigo/Trenton sacrificed himself for the group/Trenton successfully escaped the wendigo.

- Trenton failed to defend himself in the mines.

- Trenton died in the lodge/Trenton escaped.

Extras that don't fit as a butterfly effect:

In the escape from the shed scene, Trenton can fail 2 QTEs before dying in the run scene. And in the scene where he is alone, he can fail 1 of the shotgun blocks, but failing any other QTE (Don't move segment, and throwing the button), he will die.

In the rock climbing scene, you control Sam and Trenton will not fail any QTEs, saving Sam if she fails hers. The scene goes on as normal if he had died beforehand. This also applies to climbing out of the mines with Sam.

In the finale, Trenton's participation has the following results: He will save Sam instead of Mike in the first don't move segment if you fail it, getting thrown as Mike does in the original cutscene. If this happens he does not save Emily, instead, Sam gets the choice to save her or run.

Trenton can save Sam once if she fails any of her don't move segments. Trenton will not be able to save Sam if she fails another.

If Ashley is in the lodge and has the flare, she will also save Sam with it once if she had not already escaped.

If Sam dies and Trenton had been flung across the room, he nods to Mike, in which Trenton will sacrifice himself to distract the wendigos which ends with any other survivors escaping as Mike blows up the lodge with Trenton still in it.

If Sam dies and Trenton had NOT been flung across the room, you take control of Mike, in which you can either leave Trenton to die alongside anyone left in the lodge or play the cutscene out similarly to Sam, except you are Mike. If Mike fails any don't move segments and dies, Trenton will immediately run out of the lodge and explode it, as everyone else will have gotten out by then.

Trenton is brought under suspicion in the interviews due to him undergoing therapy, however, everyone will defend him, Josh's behavior changes to begrudgingly denying it if Trenton didn't press the button, or upset at the interviewer if he did.

Trenton's behavior will change depending on if you find Hannah's diary or not, as well as if Sam, Chris, Emily, Josh, Mike, and Ashley died. He will not get over not saving Beth and Hannah and moving on if the diary isn't found and is distraught if he fails to save Josh in the mine. He will be heartbroken if Sam dies. Be generally despondent if Chris dies. He will be upset if Emily, Mike, and/or Ashley die. He will question if Matt and Jessica are okay, the cutscene doesn't change even if they are dead or alive.

In the rare event that your only survivor is Matt and he does not try to save Emily, he will say Trenton was killed by the Psychopath alongside Josh, as he will not have found the truth.

In the incredibly rare event that your only survivor is Trenton, Trenton will be institutionalized like Josh as he cannot come to terms with all his friends dying. The events of the night are blamed on Trenton, but he doesn't experience any legal repercussions due to being placed in an insane asylum. A scene where Dr. Malagrene reminisces on Trenton is added in which she feels incredibly regretful but believes Trenton did not cause anything bad to happen that night.

This went on a bit longer than I expected, but I thank you for reading the whole story. I just felt an urge to write about Until Dawn after reading the other Until Dawn fanfictions on this website. I hope you all have a great day.

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