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how do you explain to your best friend that you have fallen for them? how do you tell the number one person you know that every fragment in my body is in total utter love with them? simple, i can't. i can't go to them and confess and risk the many years of friendship to go down the drain, and so you give it time.

"y/n, you always say 'give it time' it's been f*cking 5 years." kat said looking at me through the mirror.

i sighed and looked towards the window, yeah i may have been saying give it time for a couple of years now. but, maybe one day i will wake up and say f*ck men and finally move on from this.

"stop ignoring me, you know i'm right." kat sighed turning the chair to face me.

"kat, i can't tell colby i love him. i literally can't." i argued falling back onto the bed.

"we shouldn't even be talking about this while in his room, he will walk in at any moment." i turned to face the door.

"well grow some balls, and ask him out." kat said standing before walking about the room.

i sighed and turned over to face the wall, i wanted to tell colby i truly did. but, one day i may have slipped out my slight infraction for him and well it didn't end well.

"colby look at this video it's so cute, they were best friends and ended up marrying each other! how cute would that be!" i awed facing my phone towards him.

"cute, i couldn't picture marrying you that's like marrying my little sister. that would be weird, and plus i don't like you like that you know what i mean?" he asked typing into his computer.

yeah, my heart hasn't recovered from that still. so that's why i will never tell him i love him, i would rather suffer a horrible death than ever go through the heart break.

"what you thinking about." colby asks walking into the room.

"mmm, nothing just tired." i replied closing my eyes.

"okay, well i got a hot date tonight so you will have to find another person to hang out with." colby says walking into his closet.

"seriously you are ditching me again, you promised we would go out tonight. i canceled plans with my mom for you." i complained sitting up.

"okay well she is leaving town tomorrow it's like perfect." he said laughing in the closet.

i scoffed and left the room to walk to sams room, i may sound like a five year old toddler who's parent took candy away from them but f*ck colby brock.

"i'm so done with guys." i said flopping onto sams chair.

"mm what happened now?" sam asks pulling his glasses down to look at me.

"he f*cking canceled on me again for a chick." i grumbled.

"let's go out tonight, you and me." sam says leaning back in his chair.

"i'm good, i want to stay home and watch movies and hate life." i smiled standing up.

"thanks for the therapy session." i said while leaving the room.

i walked passed colby room once more and saw him spraying cologne on, he saw me and walked towards me.

"are you mad at me?" he asks.

i looked at him and continued my way down the stairs to my room.

"you can't ignore me forever we are best friends, i will find a way to get you to talk to me." he yelled over the railing.

i continued walking into my room, when entering i closed my door and flopped onto my bed. what felt like five years passed i heard a slight knock on my door, and a colby brock enter.

"may i enter madam?" he asks in and english accent.

"knock the accent and maybe." i said closing my phone.

"okay im sorry, here i got you this." he said sitting on my bed handing me a bag.

"how was the date." i grumbled taking the bag.

"didn't go, i went out to go find you the shirt you wanted badly." he said smiling.

i looked at him in shock, and quickly opened the bag to find the shirt i have looked been looking for.

"wait, where did you find it?" i asked.

"well i have been looking for it for awhile, and today was the day they called me and told me they had it. i was planning on getting it after the date thing, but you are more important than her." he said smiling down at his lap.

now when i tell you my heart burst, i mean my heart absolutely shattered into tiny shards that laid around my room.

"colby." i said looking at him.

"no don't start, i just felt bad that i made you feel not important. i know i shouldn't have blown you off again, your mom was here for the weekend and i made you cancel plans with her so we can hangout and now i look like a total b*tch. i just, you mean a lot to me like a lot and i don't want you to ever feel like you aren't. you are the most important person to me, you make me, me. you are the reason i want to keep being myself. y/n-" colby began to say before i cut him off.

"colby i lo-"

"no let me finish, y/n f*ck im falling hard for you, hell im in love with you." he breathed out.

i looked at him in total and utter shock, someone better slap me cause i feel like i'm in a dream.

"colby." i said quietly.

"i love you." i confessed.

"i love you so much, i love you so so much." colby laughed pulling me into him.

a|n: yo a long chapter, haven't had one of those in awhile :p okay well i hope you enjoyed this, slightly different but it's all good! okay have a good day! <3

Colby Brock Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now