Chapter 8

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Kusa can be seen jumping from puddle to puddle and making her clothes wet but it immediately dries and become new again

*splash* *splash* *splash*

Then suddenly the entire sky becomes filled with red smoke

Kusa: ehh? Is this blood?

Kusa: no, It's just coloured mist

Marisa: Kusa!!!

A voice in the forest can be heard

Kusa: Marisa?

Marisa: found you!

Marisa grabs Kusa and puts her into her lap

Marisa: ehh? Why did your flower accessory lose a petal again

Kusa: did it? I never noticed it

Marisa: ...

Marisa: you trust me right...

Kusa: despite you are being strong-headed, Yes...

Kusa: (I should dispel her worry)

Kusa: don't worry... I could solve this issue, so don't need to worry about it

Marisa: Mhm... promise me you won't disappear one day

Kusa: what childishness, yes I won't

Marisa smiles

Marisa: Don't take your word back!

Marisa speeds up towards the source of the mist

On their way, they bumped into Reimu

Reimu: Oh! Marisa and Kusa

Marisa: Reimu!

Kusa: Hello Reimu

Marisa: want to bet who will be the first one to stop the disaster?

Reimu: Bring it on

They continue their way when A black bullets stop them

A girl appears floating and T posing

Kusa: ahh... it's Rumia

Rumia: Kusa! Nice to meet you but can you move away for a little bit because I want to challenge these two

Kusa: weird request but okay...

Marisa: wait you know this Yokai?

Kusa: Yes she is one of my friends to play with when I'm bored

Marisa: I see...

Reimu: Rumia is it?, then I will accept your challenge

Marisa: Good call Reimu, now Kusa let's move forward

Reimu: ehh?!

Marisa: bye Reimu!

Kusa: have fun Rumia

Rumia: Yes! Bye-bye

The two standoffs make an intense showdown


The two are currently at a stable speed with Kusa onboard every enemy they face is an instant knock out

Daiyousei appear in front of them and attacks them

Kusa: she likes to attack me without any reason

Daiyousei: you always bully Cirno!

Kusa: it's called duelling not bullying!

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