Chapter 83

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Kusa is walking with Parsee in the vast open fields with a hidden Youmu guarding her, somewhere

Parsee: ah! I forgot something to show to you

Kusa: what is it?

Parsee: wait...

Parsee seemed to find something in her pockets until she is holding a card

Parsee: Look at this card that I've got!

Kusa: Hmm?

The card has Green borders and a silhouette of a girl that has red clothes and light orange hair can be seen

Parsee: Kusa isn't this card similar to you?!

Kusa: wow...

Parsee: not only that it could do this too!

Parsee used the card and Summon flowers that shed green bullets

Kusa is surprised by the sudden imitation of her ability that she commonly used

Kusa: thats so cool... where did you get it?

Parsee: I get it from the calico cat girl...

Kusa: That's nice... then let's continue to walk?

Parsee: un!

Kusa has sent a letter to Youmu so they could investigate the possible incident


Kusa drop off Parsee at her house and she started to fly back to the overworld now

Kusa: even though the card is a mere imitation and can't reach even a quarter of the power of the original

Kusa: I doubt it matters in the powerless because power is power no matter how expensive it is

Kusa: I think many people have already got some in their hands

Kusa: I need to patrol the village for any surge of violence

Kusa stopped as a giant plant swallowed her and Bury itself into the ground


Kusa appeared on the rooftop of a random building she put a potted plant on

Kusa: now... let us find something suspicious

Kokoro: I found one

Kusa: kyaah!!

Kusa is shocked by the sudden voice beside her back and sees Kokoro seemingly having amusement in her eyes

Kusa: Kororo! How did you suddenly appear?!

Kokoro: It's Kokoro

Kusa: I like Kororo better

Kokoro just stares at Kusa without saying anything but that doesn't unnerve Kusa

Kokoro: fine

Kusa: where did you see something suspicious Kororo?

Kokoro: the normal crowd can use powers because of the cards

Kokoro: though it seems very weak and barely harms anyone

Kusa: then let's find some to spectate

Kokoro: yes


Kusa and Kokoro are wandering around the streets they saw people who are dueling with imitation bullets

Kusa: That's Sanae's and Cirno's abilities

Kokoro: oh... thats mine

Kokoro pointed towards the other person who uses the same abilities as hers

Kusa: is Aya on this incident? Because she has the most knowledge about everyone's strengths and abilities because I know Akyuu is very tight-lipped in this kind of affair...

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