Chapter 30

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Name: Kusa

Abilities: Manipulation of grass, creation of plants, Manipulation of stars

Appearance: (Human form) has long Green hair that has yellow streaks, wears a white blouse that has a black tie and a long black shirt, she is wearing long white socks and black boots. (tiny form) she has short Green hair, a wreath of yellow coloured flowers in her head, green eyes, wears a dress that is coloured white on the top and green on the bottom, tiny wooden sandals and has a big leaf that can properly shade her from the sun

Titles: The avatar of the Sun, The fruit giver, Prankster

She is an antisocial person at first but after being dragged by the shenanigans of the magician she becomes more cheerful and outgoing

She seems to affect others unconsciously that made others rever her as the sun but in Actuality, she is just a cheerful person that likes simple things in life

She stopped slaughtering animals and contented to eat fruits and eat the meals whatever they can make

She seems very weak to promises and if you can be made her make a promise she will grant it

The plants and the suns will protect her at all cost


Kusa: it's finished!

The ordinary plain garden becomes more visually striking than it looks, it feels like it comes out from a storybook

Some very little green orbs fly around and the walls have creeping vines surrounding the gardens

The dirt ground has been replaced by green grasses and the whole vibe of the place become more stable making the garden older than it looks

Kusa: Hmm! The plants are very happy

Kusa: I think I made the place damper before and the lights will be enough to make the plants get some energy

Kusa: also the green fireflies are my bullets, but It has nourishment effects on them

Satori: ehh?

Satori just entered and she is surprised with how much the garden has changed

Satori: is this the garden or I'm in another place?

Kusa: Hehe~

Kusa: why did you become messy?

Satori's dress has some visible crease on them, her hairstyle becomes messy and it seems there's black powder in her entire body

Satori: I slipped that's all

Kusa: so you've battled I see...

Satori: No...

Kusa: don't worry, I battled almost every day so I know how hard to not be messy after that

That's a lie, she is always pristine even a 100 battles

Satori: I see...

Kusa: Let's take a bath!

Satori: ehh??!!


Kusa can be seen drying Satori's hair while Satori is obediently sitting in the chair

Kusa: all done

Satori: thank you...

Kusa: no problem

Kusa: I want to go to the bottom

Satori: Why?

Kusa: I want to absorb the radiation of the nuclear power

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