Chapter 26

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A green-haired girl can be seen sitting in the chair while the dark blue hair girl is sitting far away from her

Kusa: I'm not going to bite you so calm down

Doremy: Do you know how painful my tail is when you bite it!!!

Kusa: to be fair you agreed

Doremy: I thought you were joking! I didn't think you would do it!!!

Kusa: When I say something I do it, that's how simple I am

Doremy: still I prefer you not near me

Kusa: fine...

Doremy: still, why are you an idiot and use a very energy consuming attack?

Kusa: when I'm in that state no barrier prevents me

Kusa: so every impulse that I had will be my every movement because I didn't have clear consciousness at that time

Doremy: You do it because you wanted to?

Kusa: as simple as that

Kusa: by the way where are the doors here?

Doremy: Nope!, I don't want you to enter other's dreams and make them nightmares

Kusa: Come on just one time~

Doremy: wait... are you still in the state of Elation

▪︎Elation is more than mere happiness - it is extreme, exhilarating joy. It has a sense of rising or expanding, even to the point of light-headedness.▪︎

Kusa: What are you talking about?

Doremy: thank goodness I thought you were-

Doremy look towards Kusa but she dissapears

Doremy: I...

She felt someone is on her back

Kusa: Please~

Suddenly Kusa is on the backside of Doremy

Doremy: !!!

She tries to run away but Kusa grabs her hand

Doremy: Is this kind of Horror film?!!

Kusa: come on~ I just want to mess with someone

Doremy: If I say no?

Kusa: I'll make you say yes

Doremy: fine...

A door appeared next to them

Doremy: there, you have an hour before you will be forcefully ejected to the dream

Kusa runs to the door dragging Doremy

Doremy: Wait!!!


The scenery changes Inside of a wooden cabin

Doremy: stupid! Why did you drag me with you!!!

Kusa: I just want to

Doremy: You...!!!

Doremy sighs in defeat

Doremy: I can't communicate with you properly when you're in Elation

Kusa: I'm glad we could have a common ground

Doremy started to scrutinise the surroundings

Doremy: It seems we are inside of the house

Kusa: I thought we are outside of it

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