Chapter 66

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Kusa is on the river watching the stream of water and occasional fishes that swam by

She stayed there silently and looks at the sky

Kusa: I'm an idiot...

Kusa: if I want to cheer people I need to make myself satisfied and be cheerful too

Kusa: That's why I need to make a suitable body that can sustain my abilities without any drawbacks

Kusa: no wonder my other self uses her sun form permanently but there's one thing she doesn't realize

Kusa: we can eat the sun and to sustain my body permanently that meant I have to eat the biggest sun that I can sense

Kusa: But I also need to not severe my connection to the world

Kusa: I don't know how to do it but I know someone can...

Kusa closes her eyes


In the Realm of Reflections

Sun: finally!!! The time has come! She needed my help for the first time!

Moon: why do you act like a needy father?

Sun: Shut up! It's just... its the first time I saw her need help because the different versions of her don't do that

Sun: That's why I'm touched that she remembers me

Suns: that's why bye~


When Kusa opens her eyes she is in a black room there are so many lights that have different sizes and many colors but all of them emit light making Kusa feel warm

Sun: Welcome Kusa

Kusa: Sun! Thank you for listening to my selfish request!

Sun: Not at all ill be happier to heed your request after all

Kusa: Thank you so much!!

Sun: what is it do you want?

Kusa: I want to have a fully functional body like a human with my abilities... also I want to eat a Sun so I can use my abilities to have no exhaustion

Sun: very well I'll grant it to you

They finished the task but Sun asked Kusa to battle in clubhouse 51

Surprisingly Sun lost and swore to take revenge by having a training montage with Moon


Kasen is meditating on her house that is surrounded by mountains

Kasen: again? I can't manage to concentrate...

Kasen: I should've just said sorry to Kusa...

Kasen: Hmm? Someone is walking towards my home?!

Kasen: that's impossible no one knows the exact location except for Kusa

Kasen: But she has no presence

Kasen summoned a giant Eagle

Kasen: Kume I need your services

The Eagle leans into Kasen and she ruffles its Head

Kasen: let's go

She hops into its back and they fly towards the unknown presence


Kasen: there!

It's a person that Wears a red hat and it looks like a humanoid

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