Chapter 42

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Aya can be seen flying towards the human village while in her pouch is Kusa happily humming

Aya: it's a good thing that you two are already reconciled

Kusa: yup! That's why let's go to Hijiri's temple!

Aya: I guess we can...

Aya: Kusa... is your story true?

Kusa: Yes but I change it a bit

Aya: Then can you tell me your true story!

Kusa looks at Aya's eyes

Kusa: I guess... the only person that knew this were Marisa, Reimu, and Mokou

Kusa: this is a poem and you are the 4th one to hear it

Aya: okay!

Kusa: there's a girl that has the same name as the sun, her life is bright and happy like the spring but an unfortunate thing that happened and made her whole life fall, the girl continued her life as winter hugs her body until when summer came and give her another chance, she becomes twisted and wants to cause harm but her spring has arrived and made her sprout and now she becomes a grass that is brighter than the sun

Kusa: with your intellect, I doubt you will fail to comprehend it

Aya: I see... it's hard on you huh...

Kusa: at first... but with everyone here, I doubt it will make my life bleak

Aya: it can't be helped I'll be here with you until you wilt

Kusa: thanks

They have entered the temple but it seems all of the people that live here are present and have a meeting of some sort

Kusa: they seemed to have a deep discussion... we should wait for a bit

Aya: okay...

The two played shogi as a passing time

Ichirin: Kusa and Aya?

Kusa: Hello everyone!

Ichirin, Unzan, Nazrin, Murasa, Shou, Hijiri, and Nue is there watching them playing shogi

Aya: I apologise for the intrusion

Hijiri: it isn't a problem at all

Murasa: is that one of Kusa's games?

Kusa: it isn't mine, it's a game that is popular outside

Shou: then can you teach us how to play it?

Kusa: Of course! But I have a request...

Hijiri: what is your request?

Kusa: you see...

Nazrin and Aya is on the photo and shoots while Kusa is teaching them the rules of shogi

Shou and Kusa have a spar on shogi and as expected Kusa won

The others want to join in too so Kusa patiently teaches them and spars with them while Aya is doing a photoshoot

After they finished the photoshoot Kusa left the Shogi board and pieces to them and a basket full of fruits

Kusa: they are out from the village...

Aya: finally!

They fly towards the Aki sisters

Shizuha and Minoriko are having a great time after emptying the cart of potatoes

When suddenly an apple fell on Shizuha's head

Shizuha is surprised

Minoriko: older sister are you okay?

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