My Devil

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The rain patted a steady and gentle rhythm on the windows of the apartment, a warm pink glow cast from the billboard opposite filled the rooms. Of course, it never bothered Matt. But Foggy had once asked you how you were able to cope with the bright pink light and you had laughed at the look of bemusement on his face when you told him it was soothing. As close as he and Matt were, Foggy would never understand the soothing things that came with and made up Matt in the same way you did. Karen understood somewhat better. It was after one drunken night in the bars that she had confessed to you - and several other people - that she had a reasonably sized attraction to Matt. But she had promised over and over that she would never do that to you or him and she appreciated Matt's clear infatuation with you. It had taken some time but eventually, you gave in and she quickly became a friend and confidant. She was now seeing some other guy and it was all good. You shook your head a little as you moved to flop onto of couch with a puff of air from the leather seats and stare, somewhat blankly, at the large animated cat on the billboard as you listened to the rain. You pulled your worn, and in places, holed, cardigan around your body, thumbing the edges of the sleeves. Buzz Buzz.

You ignored your phone, if you were honest not totally hearing it as you watched the drops of rain hit the glass.

Buzz Buzz.

The ring clicked in your subconscious and you sighed rolling over to swipe your phone from the coffee table and answer without really considering who was on the other end. "Hello?" you yawn into the phone and a woman's voice on the other end of the line spoke "Is this Y/N?" she asked, you took the phone away from your ear to check the caller ID for a second, Matt. You sat bolt upright "Who is this?" you asked sharply.

"Is this Y/N?" the woman asked again and now you were standing.

"Yes, who is this? Why do you have Matt's phone?"

"Y/N, my name is Claire and I need you to listen to me"

"What the fuck is going on?" panic was rising in your voice; had Matt been in an accident and someone had picked his mobile up? "Y/N listen, I can't tell you over the phone, I need you to come to my flat," she said and listed an address in the city, you knew roughly where that street was "Matthew has been asking for you."

"I-" you made to argue but the line was cut. "What the fu-" you mumbled and punched in the numbers to call Matt again.

One ring.



No answer.

Running your hand through your hair with stress your stomach flipped in loops; it was Matt's mobile. What if he was in trouble? What if he needed you? What if this was a trap? What if this woman had stolen his phone and was attempting to get more out of you? You didn't have time to think of logical answers to the questions that your typically rational mind would have told you the answers to. Punching in more numbers you held the phone to your ear as you raced around the apartment grabbing your jacket, boots and bag. "Foggy!" you cried when the phone was finally answered "Y/N? What's wrong?" he asked, he must have picked up on the panic in your voice. "I have no idea but- wait" you paused for a second to shrug on your jacket and slam the apartment door behind you to run out into the rain. "Foggy I don't know, but will you do me a favour?" you asked and there was silence on the other end for a moment. "What is it?" he asked cautiously

"I need to do something, but I- If you don't hear from me in an hour will you call the cops for me?" you asked. There was now panic in his own voice

"Y/N what the hell, tell me what's going on" he almost ordered and you shook your head, the cold of the rain taking your breath away in your thin jacket. "Foggy I know as much as you do, but please, I have to go"

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