Chapter 6

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You had to swallow very deeply before you could slide the key into the lock of the apartment door and twist. It had been three months since you had been back here and the familiar smells and sounds were triggering every emotion that you had been recovering from. You couldn't do this alone. Before you could consider opening the door you pulled out your phone and dialled the familiar number. "Hey Y/N" Foggy's comforting tones answered and you smiled a little at the sense of normality. "Hey Fog, I'm sorry to bother you so late" you apologised and glanced at your watch, your flight had gotten in late, it was almost midnight and you had hoped that you could have done this without disturbing anyone. "It's not a problem, how was your flight?" he asked conversationally and you grimaced, you hated flying. "It was... well we landed and that's all I needed" you half laughed and Foggy chuckled. The silence that followed wouldn't have suggested that you had spoken to Foggy and Karen nearly weekly while you were away, the strength of your friendship remaining as strong as it could be. There was a small thump as your back leaned against the door to the apartment and Foggy muttered something indiscernible away from the phone, most likely to Marci who he had gotten back together with not long after Matt's death. "Y/N?" Foggy asked carefully and you sucked in a sharp breath and shook your head clear "I'm sorry Foggy, I um... " you huffed out another breath "are you free tonight?"

"Is it the apartment?" he asked and you nodded stiffly, a small grimace of admittance on your lips.

"How did you guess?" you half laughed and you heard Foggy make a similar noise.

"On any other night I'd suggest Josie's" he offered, the idea of a stiff drink was very appealing to you right now. "But I've got a shit tone of stuff going on right now, I'll text you my address, you can stay with us tonight and then the three of us can do the apartment tomorrow?" he offered. You let out a breath of relief, the idea of doing this with someone else made the prospect much more palatable, you reached up with your free hand to pull the key out of the door with a click. It had been several weeks since the FBI had raided the apartment before you were able to get the plane tickets, one more night wouldn't hurt it. "Thanks Foggy, your the best really, I grab us a bottle on my way" you offered in return

"Like old times" he agreed "See you soon" he hung up. You stared at your phone for a moment and made a mental note of the address that flashed up next to Foggy's number. Some apartment uptown, fancy, it must be Marci's place.

It took no more than half an hour, plus a ten minute stop to pick up some wine - you elected for the familiar cheap stuff you both once drunk at college - to get to Foggy's place where he welcomed you home with a warm hug. "It's been too long" you hugged back, dropping your bags by the door. "I hope you remember this" you offered him the bottle and he took it with a big grin "although judging by your place, I'd say your tastes have gotten more expensive" you joked and Foggy chuckled

"Y/N, I may have made my buck as a lawyer finally, but this" he waved the bottle about "brings back the good times."

"Y/N!" Marci suddenly cried and pulled you into a hug. While you had known each other while she was dating Foggy years back, you had only ever met once or twice. "Hey" you smiled and hugged her back "sorry for disturbing you so late" you apologised and she flapped a hand

"Oh psh, it's nothing we were both up anyway." You eyed her up and down, somehow even in sweats she looked effortlessly perfect, she had once been a strange comparison to Foggy, but with his new debonair haircut and sharp suit that he clearly hadn't yet changed out after a day at work, they seemed to match as a pair. "Care for a glass?" Foggy offered and you nodded gratefully "although I could probably go for something stronger right now" you huffed and leaned on the kitchen worktop as you watched Foggy rummage about in a cupboard and pull out a half-full bottle of scotch and three glasses "how about this?" he offered and you threw your head back with a victorious "yes, thank god my hero" causing Foggy to laugh heartily. "The flight can't have been that bad?" he teased and you rolled your eyes taking the glass gratefully and drank a heavy glug of the golden liquid savouring the burn in your throat. "You have no idea" you retired and Foggy snorted but grabbed your hand and dragged you to the couch where you both flopped and kicked off your shoes. "This is one hell of an apartment" you complimented and Marci grinned sitting on the couch opposite but close to Foggy, her own glass in her hand although she had elected for a Manhattan. "Thank you"

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