Chapter 3

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Groaning you smacked a pillow over your face to block out the morning sun that now poured through the large arched window of the bedroom. As your efforts failed you patted the bed beside you searching for Matt's warm body; but his spot was long cold. You groaned again and wondered if he had even slept at all in the last 24 hours. You listened as hard as you could for any sign of life in the apartment; though the pillow made it difficult. You strained your ears but there was nothing so Matt was unlikely to be in the building. Or maybe he was? It was hard to tell these days. Before, Matt had always been loud in the apartment, smacking about pots and pans and thumping around on the creaky wooden floors, you had put it down to his sight. But once you'd found out about him being Daredevil he became much softer, quieter as he moved about the place and you began to suspect the noise was just an act. You had asked him one night "Since when did you stop thumping about the place?" and he had laughed replying

"Since you found out."

It had taken some time for you to get used to the quiet, but it signalled he was finally able to act like himself in his own home, without having to pretend how much his blindness limited him.

You rolled around in the bed trying to get comfy again with little to no success and eventually groaned again throwing the pillow across the room, your eyes opening and scanning the space. The brick walls were still bare, but Matt's suits hung from a rod drilled into the wall that acted as a makeshift wardrobe. A matching rod on the opposite wall compromised yours. You sighed and knew that despite it being Saturday there was no way you would get the lie in you wanted. Unfortunately, curtains were not something that came with the apartment, but you make do.

Without really thinking and still slightly blurry-eyed you grabbed your glasses and phone from the nightstand, pulled on one of Matt's shirts from a chair where he had thrown it the other night and padded through to the kitchen in search of coffee, ideally fresh but the likelihood was slim; still some coffee was better than no coffee. As you watched the steam rise from the kettle as it boiled you mused about how in situations like this a post-it note of some kind would have been good, just a note from Matt to at least confirm that you knew he was out running about in the dark while you slept. But for obvious reasons that was not as easy as thought. You could only assume that that was what he was doing, although slightly annoyed that rather than tell you he was gone he had crawled into bed next to you the night before and then presumably had slipped out while you were asleep. The downside of his newfound... or pre-existing... silence.

Eventually, the coffee was made and you found yourself staring blankly out of the window, warming your hands on the mug and you could still smell Matt's cologne on the shirt collar. Your lips twitched a little as you thought about how this must be how he experienced the world, through touch, smell and sound. The sound of a siren in the distance pulled you from your little daydream and you peered down to the street below expecting to see something but you knew the sound must have been blocks away. "Looking for something?" Matt asked from behind you and you started with a small scream causing you to drop your mug, it smashing on the floor with a puddle of coffee staining the floor to match. "Fuck!" you yelled and Matt promptly began to die of laughter "Not funny!" you cried as he steadied himself up on the couch; clearly it was so funny he was gonna fall over, probably would have deserved it. "I dunno, it was pretty funny" he argued and you shot him a glaring look as you set about clearing up the mess. "Where have you been anyway?" you asked from the floor.

"Oh you know... places..." he replied and made to come round to the kitchen with a shit-eating grin on his face

"Don't-" you yelled in instinctively as he neared, your reasoned brain telling you that he couldn't see the broken shards of the mug on the floor. You were cut off as he crouched to the floor to pick up the shard in front of him as if he knew it was there. His grin softened and you rolled your eyes taking the piece off him as he handed it to you. "Sorry, I couldn't resist" he chuckled standing and set about making you a new coffee as you finished clearing up.

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