Chapter 2

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"You know" Matt mused aloud as he walked from the bedroom into the kitchen where you were working away on your laptop. The great thing about your job was that they were so flexible with when and where you worked, the job itself was nothing special, but you enjoyed it and it allowed you a fair amount of time at home; something Matt had always relished but now was thankful for as the idea of you going out alone even just to work stressed him out. The price on your head grew every day and he did what he could but he couldn't work miracles.

"What?" You asked looking up from your screen and raising an eyebrow as you admired him buttoning his white shirt up. There was a devilish look in his eye and you couldn't help but lean back in your chair just a little further to get a better view as he approached. "We've not had a night together for some time" he pondered and your eyebrow raised a little more. Matt was now opposite you, leaning on the back of the sofa as he did up his black tie. "That would be because, and I quote 'I'm too tired from fighting crime Y/N'" you joked in an imitation of his deep voice. It was his turn to raise an eyebrow and he pulled out his glasses, slipping them onto his nose as if he was blocking you out, and you laughed so hard a snort escaped your nose causing him to crack a smile of his own. "I'm sorry" you breathed "but what do you want me to say?"

"This evening" Matt decided firmly and you stood up to cross the room and stand between his legs and help fix his tie, not that he needed the help. "What about this evening?" You asked and did your best to keep a straight face as you concentrated, but his hands began to roam, running over the fabric of your jeans and balling up the hem of your T-shirt; a stark contrast to his own smart suit. "We're gonna have a proper date like we used to," he said and you half laughed

"Matt, you hated date night for how many years?" You asked and he grimaced. It was a well-known fact that date night, dinner and polite conversation had been to the benefit of neither of you. "Well a good one, I'll get good food, and dig out a movie and it will be just us" he promised and you sighed finishing with his tie and patting it down. "What about The Devil?" You asked

"I'm stuck on a thread right now, waiting to see how it will play out in court" he shrugged "besides, you're just as important as this city. " You rolled your eyes and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and chided as you turned away "flattery will get you nowhere, Murdock."

Matt grabbed you back before you could return to your laptop, spinning you into his arms with the grace and effort of a dancer, not a blind man. "Sweetheart" he teased, just inches from your face "with you I don't need flattery, I know what you like." A shiver ran down your spine and he captured your lips in a rough and possessive kiss that sent yet more shivers through your bloodstream resulting in him grinning in delight at causing you pleasure. "I swear to whatever higher power" you half mumbled and half moaned "if you didn't have to go work right now..." you let the threat dangle in the air and took another kiss of your own. Entangled in the embrace it took you a moment to realise that your phone in your back pocket was vibrating as it rang. With a groan you broke away from this kiss, pulling out your phone and answering, not bothering with the caller ID. It was difficult to maintain steady breathing as you answered thanks to the kisses, and eventual hicky, Matt was now claiming your neck with. "Hello?"

"Y/N?" It was Karen

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Nothing, we're just looking for Matt, he's running late again and we can't get hold of him" she sounded stressed. You sucked in a sharp breath of air as Matt pulled you even closer, his lips brushing just the right pressure point. "Is everything okay?" Karen asked. It suddenly occurred to you that Matt could defiantly hear both sides of the conversation through the phone, not that you cared, you were enjoying yourself too much to care. You couldn't help but let your head loll back exposing even more of your skin as your eyes closed and you gulped "yeah no fine, sorry just um... stubbed my toe" you attempted to lie but you were so distracted the effort was futile. "So is Matt with you? We've got these case notes before court and we really need his help"

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