7. To Plan a Coup

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Eurin Cassandra Grace Tolimar was not a great recipient of punishments of any sort, so you can imagine the ruckus she had kicked up when she was sent on exile.

She spat every few steps as she and her only loyal maid, Teresa, walked through the thick forest outside the Kingdom of Seliana, Normania. Her armour was clashing and clanking as she shuffled her feet forward. Though the noise bothered Teresa, the maid kept quiet about it. Teresa knew that her mistress's distress was a result of no fault on her part, but didn't know how she could say that aloud without proof. That was why she had kept quiet during the whole ordeal and later, volunteered to accompany the eurin of Seliana on her exile.

"Ugh, the nerve of that man!" growled Cassandra angrily. "First, he kills my father, then he has the nerve to ask me to marry him!"

"Well, ma'am," replied the young maid timidly, "I say it was a good thing you refused him." She wasn't bold enough to tell her how much she had admired the young eurin's blows and kicks to the usurper's body and groin, respectively. Instead, she went on to say, "I've heard people say he's a very cruel man and that his concubines are generally ill-treated."

"Yes, yes, I know that," grumbled Cassandra. "We need to take him down somehow."

At this, the maid came to an abrupt halt and gaped at her young mistress, who a few places later, turned around.

"Oh, come now, there's nothing else we can do now." Cassandra paused to hold out a hand. "Come, we need to move to a safer place, away from out of Nik's reach."

"No, mistress," said Teresa. "I mean, why not?"

Cassandra frowned in confusion. "Why not what?"

"Why don't you do something about it? People are always talking about rebellion and revolts! – why not stage on yourself and attempt to overthrow this abominable man and take back what's rightfully yours?!"

Cassandra now stared oddly at the girl. "You're not really saying this, are you?" Her voice was small, almost inaudible.

"I mean it," the young girl went on, transfixed in her only imagination. "You'll take back the throne and save everybody in the kingdom from a great disaster!"

The eurin of Seliana narrowed her eyes at her. "You think I can manage a coup all by myself, without an army to lead? My army that he seized from me the moment he threw me out of those doors?!" She willed herself to tone down her voice. "Look, I know we've been brought up in the palace and you think I can't manage this on my own. But I assure you, Teresa, we will." There was no smile on her face, but her eyes exuded compassion for the young maid.

Teresa closed her eyes and took a deep ragged breath. There was one more card she had at hand, but playing it could mean death penalty, even if her mistress was an exiled royalty. Sure that would mean her end, whether she spoke her mind or not?

"Come." Cassandra's voice broke through her thoughts and Teresa opened her eyes. She slowly lowered them to see that the eurin had her hand held out, an invitation to come along with her.

"What is it?"

When Teresa looked up, she saw that her mistress was now watching her keenly, her eyes boring into every inch of her face.

"You look like you're hiding something, Teresa. Tell me what it is, I can take it. I won't harm you or anything. Not that I don't have the power," she shrugged, "but because you've been my best friend for the past two years. I've really come to admire you."

Teresa swallowed. 'This is it,' she told herself. 'This is the encouragement I need. I have to tell her what I've been doing so far, secret from everybody else, even her...' She cleared her throat and spoke aloud, in a soft voice, "Your highness, do you remember how I had a day off every month from my duties?"

The Quest for Normania #1: The Door of AndriosWhere stories live. Discover now