22. The Question of the High Priest

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200 years ago in Ahala...

In the land of Normania, there was once a very powerful mage ruling as eura, from his seat in his capital, Sofia.

He was, at a very young age of sixteen years, already known for his intelligence and battle prowess. To everybody outside the Castle of Vizaria, his secret lay in his sword, Mortem—ancient Ahalan for "death". Everybody who resided with him knew it was his magic that channelled it all for him.

He used his magic for the good though – which was why he had assassins targeting him one after another, despite the heavy moats around his castle walls, with hungry alligators waiting for their next meal.

There were few mages in his time and they were always sought by the higher authority – such as, the High Priest residing at the Palace of Alkatra. He may not be a warrior, but he was still royalty—the man who headed the religious faith and beliefs of every single individual in Ahala. It was a very high and honourable post, one that all of the low priests sought and most failed.

It was during such a competition last year spring that Myka Riya won the post of the High Priest.

It was rather unexpected the way he won, almost suspiciously so.

A lot of the castle officials were surprised to see he even existed, for it didn't seem to them that he was in the contests held several stages before the final one. It was almost as if he had appeared out of the blue, like the eura's premier mused that day.

The eura sighed; it wasn't like he could do anything about it, anyway. Politics and governance was the eura's concern, while the religious aspect was a concern solely of the High Priest. What the latter did should not be a matter the former took up without clear proof that there was something unauthorised or suspicious going on. It was a rule every eura followed, one that had become tradition in Ahala.

And it was this very rule/tradition that the eura of Normania broke.

The day was fine and sunny, just like it was a month ago.

Winter was approaching, but it seemed the skies didn't worry about it. After all, winter came and went, but the skies remained as they were. They really had no cause for worry.

Did they really, though?

It was on such a day that the eura of Normania had called a meeting to order in the Castle of Vizaria. It consisted of all his high officers, advisors, ministers, and the Prime Minister.

"It's high time we did something about High Priest Myka Riya," he announced, his voice steady and quiet, and ringing throughout the four walls of the room. "We all know that his election to such heights of power was false by some means or the other. And I intend to sniff it out and remove him from his position!"

There was a murmur of astonishment around the table. He gazed at them all for a while, all of his youthful twenty-five years of life weighing, judging.

At last, Officer Raghu got to his feet. "If I may, Eura?" he requested.

The eura nodded at him. "Kindly proceed."

"In all of the generations that the Sinhala Dynasty ruled in Normania, not once did we ever spy or try someone without some sort of solid proof. What makes you think we must begin such a dirty trick now?"

The Premier was startled and rushed to reprimand the officer: "Mind your tongue while you speak to our eura, Officer Raghu, lest you meet your end in the ghastliest of ways!"

The officer in question looked ashamed and hung his head in realisation of what he said, but the young eura smiled.

"Now, now, I hear what you're saying Officer Raghu," the latter said jovially. "Though your tone could've been better – there I agree with the premier. Now. You think maintaining secrecy for the betterment of the world is a dirty trick?"

Officer Raghu swallowed before meeting his eura's eyes. "Er – something on the down-low, that's for sure. But when you put it that way..." He voice trailed away.

"Yes, I do. Remember that the High Priest has a position higher in rank and authority than my own. Something we need to rectify soon, I wager."

Premier Rika cleared his throat. "I agree, Eura. But do think about this: How would it be if we didn't have to seek secret ways of finding out information about him; rather, we find a third way?"

"Such as what?"

"Such as, changing the position of the High Priest."

This came such an unexpected source that even the all-knowing eura started and turned around. Across from the table from him, almost obscured in his soldier's gear, with only the eyes showing a brilliant red, a humane figure stared back at him unwavering.

"And... how do you propose we do that?" asked the eura. He knew the answer – figured it out in the blink of an eye – but he wanted to cover up the fact that he was working his mental gears, trying to figure out who this person was. From the aura, he realised that the figure was a magical creature, at least. Perhaps a magical person, since it could talk.

"Just pass a Resolution making your post higher that than of the High Priest's," the mage went on. By the muffled voice, the eura couldn't make out if it was a man or a woman, or even, if it was a boy or a girl. Children over the age of sixteen were allowed to train as soldiers in Normania.

"And do you think we'll get enough votes for such a Resolution to pass?"

"That, your majesty, depends on you. Do you care about the kingdom and the world enough to sway the minds of its people to your cause? Or, do you care but are too afraid of the High Priest's powers?"

The eura gulped. He thought the figure's voice sounded more on the feminine side now. 'She can say that again.'

"Or, are you afraid that put in a battle ring, your powers will be of no match to his?"

The eura narrowed his eyes. "You dare ask such a question, as if you know me more than anybody else in this room. I know who you are. I thought I asked you to leave the kingdom and never come back. Which part of that order did you fail to understand?"

The figure chuckled as a hand rose to the helmet that covered her face. It met with little resistance as it tugged the helmet free of her head and lifted it up, to reveal long blonde hair tied tightly at the back. The familiar smirk on her face took his breath away, like it always did whenever he saw it, no matter how many times that was.

"You...!" he managed to whisper getting to his feet.

Her smirk widened. "Ah, yes, I remember that little warning you gave me, my lord. But hearing of the soup you've got yourself into, trying to dethrone a chief working for the High Priest, I couldn't help wondering if I had to come back again." She winked. "Looks like I was right on time to save you from committing a far serious act, eh, my darling husband?" 

The Quest for Normania #1: The Door of AndriosWhere stories live. Discover now