Warrior (Reyna x Annabeth)

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"Never!" Annabeth snarled like a caged animal, as she kicked Reyna's shin and flipped them over. The Praetor grunted, not the one to crumble under pain, and swung an iron fist at the blonde. Air was forcefully pulled out of Annabeth's lungs and she fell to the ground, narrowly dodging her opponents attack. Annabeth grunted loudly, her head hitting the Arena ground, and saw Reyna dart to her spear. Like a javelin, the daughter of Bellona threw her spear as hard as she could.

It dug deeply into the ground, the end quivering, the fang-like blade cutting an five inches of Annabeth's ponytail.
Reyna couldn't help but let out a silent sigh of relief.

In the corner of her eye, Annabeth spotted her dagger and scrambled towards it, her fingertips grazing over the hilt. She grabbed it and launched at Reyna's spear, splintering it in half.

Distinctively, Annabeth heard Reyna's roar of poisonous anger.

The Praetor pounced on Annabeth once she kicked her legs out and unsheathed a dagger. Reyna punched Annabeth's right eye.

Just as Reyna's dagger was about to peirce Annabeth's throbbing windpipe, like Achilles' sword cutting through Hector's body, Chiron yelled "Stop!"

"Yeild!" Reyna sneered angrily as her dagger barely digging in Annabeth's neck.

"NO!" Annabeth panted heavily despite the weak position she was in.

Reyna felt two hands grab her arms and tear her away from Athena's daughter just as Leo wrenched Annabeth away. (Let's face it, guys, Leo is like The Rock reincarnated in a boy with the body of a nine year old)

Annabeth coughed blood onto the floor and glanced at Reyna. Her cinnamon hair was a rats nest, the bobble just hanging off strands of hair. Bruises lined her arm and her toga was torn like a bear- tiger hybrid was let out of a cage. She was pabting heavily.

She still looked beautiful though.

Reyna struggled against Nico's strong grip and examined Annabeth. Her blonde curls were ruined, dirt smudged her ruined hair- but what caught Reyna's attention was the five inches of her bangs missing. Her silver eyes were pumping with adrenaline and Reyna's eyes looked down in guilt once she glanced at the blood dripping down her neck. Her CHB tshirt and shorts were easily as torn as Reyna's. Cuts were marred scabs on her arms and (long, tan, and really good to look at) legs.

Chiron sighed next to Reyna's splintered spear as he looked at the demigods.

"C'mon, girls. Let's get you to the Infirmairy,"

"Wait! I wanna go to Percy's cabin," Reyna's heart deflated, "I'll eat some ambrosia once I reach there. I want to tell Percy about... something,"

"Annabeth, girl, are you sure Percy and you broke up?" Leo wheezed as Nico elbowed his ribs.

Chiron, being one of those people who ignore Leo, exhaled and nodded as he motioned for Reyna to climb onto the centaurs back.

"Go- but meet me at the Infirmairy once you are done so I can give you a proper check," Annabeth nodded obediently.

"Same time tomorrow, Chase?" Reyna smirked once she sat on Chiron's back.

"Always," Annabeth grinned like she accepted a challenge but knew she was going to win.

Reyna laughed and Chiron galloped off.


When the two Demigods and the centaur left, Leo turned to Nico and slung his arm over his skinny shoulders.

"Dam," Leo whistled, "That sexual tension though!"

"I know right!"

Next up: Caleo. Hope you like it!

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