You Will Always Be My Little Boy (Sally and Percy)

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"I'll get it, Sally!" Paul yelled as he meandered through the furniture of the Blowfis-Jackson residence. He shoved his glasses up his nose, frustrated. Sally was a mess- and honestly it wounded Paul beyond belief. Seeing her cry in his shirt every damn night made the hole dig deeper in his chest. The hole that the Fates had caused.

Paul remembered the day Sally and him were lounging on the couch, watching shows that Percy loved, when the door bell rang.

" You stay here, sweetie, I'll get it," Sally kissed gis cheek and stood up to get the door.

Paul heard Sally gasp and instantly stood up, running over to the door.

"Sally! What's wrong- oh," Paul paused as his hazel eyes landed on the towering man before the couple.

It was Posideon but so different from the last time Paul saw him.

His brow was creased with permanent worry, his sea green eyes (which caused a pang in Paul's heart) lost their mischevious twinkle. His eyes, also, were bloodshot.

"Posideon? What's wrong? Percy-" Sally's concerned voice faltered at the mention of her son. She sighed and said, "He is on that quest, you know that, " After all it is your fault my stepson is there in the first place, "Unless-"

"No, Sally, Percy is not dead," Posideon's voice cracked, which was unusual because he was one of the Big Three.

Sally sighed and her tensed frame slouched in relief.

"But-" Sally and Paul stiffened, "He-he- my son is in T-T-Tarturus,"

Sally screeched once the news sank in and slammed her fist into Posideon's chest, making him grunt. Tears brimmed her eyes.

"It's your fault! It's all your fault! My son! My sweet, innocent son! He's gone!"


"If you hadn't played me," Paul's already boiling anger flared, "this wouldn't have happened! All your fault!"


"No," Paul's cold voice rang through through the room, "Go, Poseidon, you've already done enough damage"

Posideon's eyes seemed to break more but he nodded dejectedly and vapor travelled away, leaving both Paul and Sally weeping for their son.

Anyway, Paul grasped the door knob and opened the door.

Shattered, like a mirror, sea green eyes stared back at Paul.


"Paul!" Percy launched himself into Paul's arm, blubbering about how he was sorry and how it was all his fault. Paul carressed Percy's explosive hair.

"Percy,son. Sally! Sally! You won't believe this!" Paul grinned and held Percy's hand, noticing how pale he was.

"What?" Sally asked as her head peeked through the door frame. Her eyes were severely bloodshot and her nose was a ruby red. Her apron was stained with tears. Like a rats nest, Sally's hair looked like she hadn't even tried to brush it. Her once beautiful smile lines were faded.

"Percy?" She whispered, walking further into the room, her eyes lighting up.

"Mommy?" Percy's voice broke entirely and he pounced into Sally's arms, despite him being 17, sobbing into his mother's chest.

"Oh, my little baby," Sally cried and Paul wrapped his arms around his small, reunited family.

"You will always be my little boy. Always."

Consider this one shot book as a book of apologies for my crappy updating schedule. I know. I'm this Wattpad monster. *sigh*.

DEDICATION: InsecureAngle for having amazing conversations with me and basically being my twin.

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