The Statue (Jason and Thalia)

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I'm writing this in my Optician's waiting room, cuz I'm bored.

Jason and Thalia were sitting in the Zeus Cabin, Jason admittedly feeling awkward. He felt like he was intruding; he wasn't a Son of Zeus, he was a son of Jupiter. Jason felt like he was trespassing on something private but Thalia didn't seem to notice.

"You know, Jason, you're very different from when you were a kid," Thalia spoke like she was visiting memory lane.

Jason was jerked out of his thoughts, "How so?" Thalia turned to her brother, the electric eyes that were painfully same as his peirced him.

"When you were a baby, you used to laugh and giggle so much, hardly ever crying. The only time you shed tears was ypu tried to eat a stapler and when Hera" Thalia spat the word like venom, "kidnapped you. I remember that day so clearly. I still remember the hollow cries echoing in the empty park and I still remember the feeling of being numb," Thalia looked away," And then when I was on the run, I would remember the times when I would tie you onto my stomach and carry you around with a scarf because we didn't have a pram. Mom would always be drinking or be having a hangover, nothing like the Mom I knew when Jupiter came knocking on our door again," Jason looked at his hands, " I would remember the first step, the first laugh- the first word. Believe it or not, it was 'Thali'" His sister gave a sad laugh, "I would never bring you home, in fear of you getting hurt. I would take the hits for you from Mom," Thalia sighed, "But I guess those days are long gone . You aren't the boy I knew like the back of my hand, little brother. You always frown and you're eyes are down cast when you think no one is looking- after all, you did take the hardest fall after Leo Valdez," Her voice grew soft, "Piper would always be busy with you and only talked to Leo to charmspeak him to rest, eat or shower. I know that Leo treasured the memories you tried to make with him. And I am sure you do to, Jason."

Thalia's eyes were brimmed with tears but she angrily blinked then away, "I am the same, Thalia" Jason said desperately. "I am!"

Thalia smiled sadly, "Who are you trying to convince, Jason? Me or You?" Jason sighed and leaned his head against Thalia's shoulder without thinking about it. Thalia, almost like a natural reaction, leaned her head against Jason's. Her spiky hair tickled Jason's neck.

"How about," Jason said quietly but nervously, "We make new memories. Together?"

Thalia grinned, her hand slipping into Jason's, "Together," She paused, "And firstly let's... change the room decor"


And that's how in the morning, Zeus's statue was covered in confetti, icing, mushed cake on his face as well as scrawled mustache wearing sunglasses and a hot pink bikini. With the two children huddled in a bed, nestling each others warmth , Zeus didn't mind that much to be honest.

Next up: Reynabeth.

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