Happily Ever After (Leo x Calypso)

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Tiny pearls of sweat formed on Leo's face as he watched Calypso crouch and gently pick strawberries. He watched with enchanting hazel eyes and beautifully captivating chocolate eyes met his, love overflowing their gazes.

Leo Valdez gulped and dashed off to Bunker Nine, wanting to get back to his supposedly life changing project.

Calypso looked down at her hands.


"Hi Leo!" Calypso waved and jogged up to the honorary table the Gods made for the Seven Coach Hedge, Reyna and Nico. Of course, since Calypso was a goddess and the Gods 'forgot' to set her free after the War with Kronos, Calypso had the choice of sitting there.

Leo grunted, not meeting her alluring eyes, and got up to sacrifice his scrambled eggs- then ran to Bunker Nine.

Calypso tried to stop the tears brimming her eyes and looked away from the confused looks of the demigods. Piper sighed sympathetically,

"It's probably Leo's crazy-ness getting in the way," she said, somewhat jokingly. The Goddess nodded gloomily and treked to the her room in the Big House.


Dear Callie,

I'm sorry for being such a douche to you, Cal. There's a reason why I've been avoiding you and distancing myself from you. I want to share it with you- I've been anticipating moments to come. Please go to Bunker Nine at 7:00pm tommorow.

From the always loving,

Leo Mcshizsle Valdez.


Leo wasn't seen the whole day, which caused a stinging pang in Calypso's immortal heart.


Calypso pushed the branches that were scratching her her face out of the way as she walked her way to Bunker Nine. She was tired and sore after a long day of helping the demigods harness their powers with Chiron- but she had to see Leo, at least make eye contact with him to make sure they still had that loving relationship. Leo was almost a memory which was buried under layers and layers of tears.

She sighed in relief when she saw Bunker Nine coming in her vision.

"Leo?" Calypso called, knocking on the boulder which blocked the Bunker.

"Callie!" She heard a voice -Leo's voice that had a slight spanish tinge- exclaim. The boulder rolled out the way and Leo stepped out, putting his flaming hand out. He grabbed her hand and grinned.

Leo wore a clean (gasp!) shirt, brand new suspenders which Calypso was sure Piper's brother lended, and skinny black jeans. His curly hair was combed neatly and pinned back to show his beautiful eyes.

He was heart- meltingly handsome.

Calypso let out a quiet sigh as Leo brought her to his warm chest, arms embracing her in a hug. She felt lips press against her forehead.

"Come!" Leo tugged on Calypso's hand excitedly and pushed her gently in a chair. The lights were off and the Bunker was cleaned for once, seeing as Calypso hadn't tripped over a wrench or something.

Calypso heard Leo sigh anxiously and the lights fluttered on. Music played softly in the background and Leo stepped out, a hesitant smile on his slightly sweaty face.

"Calypso," Leo took a shuddering breath, " We've been dating for two years and," Calypso held her breath, " and I need to show you how much I love, how much my heart goes to you. I remember the day I ran to you on the Island, sweaty but grinning, and there you were- and I swear my eyes were blinded by my happiness of seeing you again. Sometimes I think that I'm only this rebound thingie to help heal your heart and after its healed you'll leave me. But I'm always proven wrong

I love you. I love you. I love you. And I know that this is a crappy speech but-"

Leo knelt on one knee, reaching into his pocket and opened the small velvet box.

Calypso gasped, tears brimming her eyes.

"But will you be my peanut to my butter forever- well as long as I live?"

Leo's eyes were scrunched up, waiting for the painful denial.


Calypso yelled as she jumped into Leo's arms and smashing her soft lips to his. Leo made a yelping sound at the back of his throat vut eventually started laughing softly as they parted, his nimble fingers slipping the ring on her left ring finger.

Calypso, through teary eyes, gazed down at her ring- and nearly gasped. It was a simple pure celestial gold ring and in silver words it wrote in cursive, ' I still fall for you everyday'

Leo gently kissed Calypso's hair and whispered, their foreheads leaning against each other, "We finally have our happy ending".

Next up: Pipabeth. Sorry if it's crappy, I haven't really read any Caleo stuff. Please comment!

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