Thought - 10 (weird)

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Lately, i have been feeling strange like really strange kinda "weird" strange. Like i am not able to pin point at what stage i am at my life.
It's like I'm running in a marathon or im just traveling somewhere with no final destination,  where there is just the infinitely endless road leading to no where.

I am confused,contented,sad,miserable,happy, frustrated even from things i have no idea about all at the same time.
I wanna cry like there's no tomorrow and laugh like life is a living-moving "memepage".

Feels like everything is rushing and rushing too fast and i can't grasp the moment which matters to me, like i do wanna grasp it ,feel it , live it but i just can't and the reason is seriously unknown to me.

Ooohhhh dear Universe please help me..please guide me where the brighest of stars shower their lights to lost souls like me....

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