The road to immortality

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Josie and Jade had entered the door.
 After Caroline's reaction, they seemed to have been abducted.
 It's about the gods and they wanted to conquer the planet.
 No one had succeeded, not even Klaus.
Anyway, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first. 
I was very happy to let them go, but I wondered:
- Hmmm.
He might attack again, we need to be prepared. 
Hope looked at me and said:
-Yes, I will do everything I can but I already know of my existence.
 It was then that I was inhaled and exhaled, and I couldn't put Hope in danger because I had just brought my family together.
I wish I didn't get into this, and then an idea came to me:
-I can't get you involved in this, you have your little one to raise.
 By the way, you should give me a name.
You are right.
But for the first part I can't agree without the active vampire side, you're in great danger.
Was right.
I no longer had the phoenix powers and I could not revive.
I was supposed to become a complete Pentatrix, but I needed Freya's help.
I called Freya. 
She told me it wouldn't be as easy as in Hope 's case .
She needed all sorts of ingredients and the white oak stalk that was missing.
I had to go on a journey to find him, and there was no time.
I had to go to the afterlife on a Valley of the Werewolves where I had to avoid the creatures of the moon and their curse that turned them into monsters and this worried my father not to do anything to me.
They had nothing to do with me because I had weapons and there were five creatures and I had Kim who wanted to come with me.
A long journey with escaped vampires, werewolves, wizards, dragons and creatures from Malivore and they were very well prepared in their role as defenders.
I could feel those creatures looking at me for a long time and how they seemed to want to catch me with their eyes.
After this trip I returned to Mystic Falls where Freya prepared the ingredients and waved her hand over my body.
She was casting a spell.
It made me close my eyes, the transformation process had begun.
Now I was a white oak tree lying down, I was in transition.
During the transition, I met again with the lantern man who showed me peace, but also with a friend of mine who had died and I could not revive him, Dimitri.
Dimitri was a vampire who had been killed by Hope when he and I were trying to bring her back to reality with all humanity.
I told him what had happened and that I would save him as soon as possible and that I would help him with whatever he needed.
I was glad to see him and said goodbye and then jumped into the water and woke up in bed.
During the transition I did not feel very tired and I felt ok.
I waited for Henrik to come and he gave me some of his blood.
Then thunder and lightning began in the sky .
The sky was purple and dark blue.
It was obviously different from how it had been at Hope (I knew that from a memory, plus she had shown it to me) and the color of her eyes was different. 

 Source-Internet-picture /Hope Tribrid eyes~In my case,my eyes were red

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 Source-Internet-picture /Hope Tribrid eyes
In my case,my eyes were red .
Now I could say I was immortal.
I hope I can fight the gods!🧛‍♀️

Play-Tribrid full transformation

Lexi Andrea Kenner-The PentatrixWhere stories live. Discover now