The Shape Attacks Kawasaki

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A phone rings inside Tobe's pockets. He picks it up after seeing that it was his wife who has requested to call him. There was no way he was going to decline a call from his wife. Because there would be consequences to either declining, ignoring, or not knowing that she had called him. So yeah, he decided to accept the call without hesitation.

"Hey, honey, there's nothing we found on our end."

"Tobe, please help! Help me!"

From only 5 words, that were said with such panic, such desperation, and such fear, he knew instantly what happened to her. He knew that she had encountered Hikigaya. He knew that she was in danger. And he knew she would die if they don't act quickly.

"Wh-Where are you guys at?"

His own voice that displayed the same emotions as his wife, gained the attention of Hayato and Yukino.

"I'm-I'm at the park near our house. Please! I-I am hurt and so scared. I can't see without my glasses!"

"We are coming! Hayato! Drive to the park near our house! Ebina is in danger!"

Hayato immediately slammed on the accelerator of his vehicle, speeding up to their destination as soon as possible.


After 5 minutes of constantly breaking multiple traffic laws for the sake of their friend, the 3 had finally arrived to their destination.

And the sight they were to be bestowed upon would also send them a reminder that what they were dealing with was in fact, serious and dangerous. And it terrified them. It's always the real thing that gives them the shocking reminder that it's all easy in your mind, but when faced with it in reality, you won't expect it.

There was a total of 5 corpses in the park.

4 unknown, but 1 that was definitely recognizable.

Yui's husband, his corpse still hanging from a tree, the rope tried around the neck of the corpse. And below the hanging corpse was a puddle of blood, signifying that he had been stabbed multiple times, prior to being hung.

While Hayato and Tobe stared in shock and disbelief.

Yukino, covered her mouth to hide her emotions. Tears erupt out of her eyes as she begins to about Yui's whereabouts.

She got out of the car immediately to look for her best friend.

"Yui! Yuigahama!"

"Oi, Yukino, it's not safe to head outside!" Hayato followed in pursuit as he chased her.

A second after arriving, they had already forgotten their original objective.

To locate Ebina.

For Tobe, it was his top priority. And seeing how Yukino and Hayato had already forgotten about Ebina, it enraged him. It frustrated it. It overloaded him with a mass amount of stress. He too got out of the car to go look for his wife himself. While the other two began searching for Yui.

"I found her!"

Tobe's ears picked up Hayato's voice, instantly running towards the direction of his voice in an insanely fast speed.

Ebina erupted out of the forest, with a bruised cheek, many cuts and scratches, and a stream of blood leaking down on her head. And just like she said on the phone call, her red glasses had disappeared. It was already guaranteed that they have been crushed most likely by Hikigaya.

Even though Ebina could barely see, she could sense Tobe arriving with her blurry vision. Her arms and legs were week, but her arms were strong enough open wide for a hug of comfort and safety. Meanwhile, her leg struggled to stand up from the scratches she received when entering the forest without walking on the pathway. The many sharp bushes that scratched her.

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