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We were about an hour and a half into the three hour plane ride.

I was starting to feel a little bit better, but I could not shake that feeling in my stomach. It feels like the moment you drop down the biggest hill on a roller coaster, and then fall to your doom.

The stewardess with the large braid and green eyes came by and I asked her for some Advil. She politely asked if I was alright and I blatantly said yes.

She came back with the Advil and I downed it with some cold seltzer.

The so called three hour plane ride is now at three and a half hours because of wind delays. This of course did not help my stomach. Garett and Flynn were watching a movie and Maverick was half asleep.

I decided some sleep wouldn't hurt. I shut my eyes and I woke up to the green eyed flight attendant chatting with another flight attendant.

They both kept their cool, but I could tell something was wrong. The green eyed flight attendant looked pale and scared.

I felt my palms get sweaty and my heart started beating faster.

What if the plane was going to crash? I quickly pushed that thought out of my mind.

I mean if we were about to crash the pilot would have to tell us. Right?

I wanted to wake Maverick up, but I didn't want him to worry.

Instead I decided to ask the shorter stewardess. She seemed frazzled.

"Excuse me." I said

She whirled around almost hitting the taller stewardess in the process. The taller stewardess glared at her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"Yes everything is fine. No need to worry." She said.

I sighed in relief but still, something felt funky about this plane ride.

I tapped Flynn on the shoulder and he took his earbuds out.

"Do you feel like something is wrong here." I asked him and he gave me a puzzled look.

"Kinda." He replied, "It seemed weird that the two flight attendants were yelling at each other."

"When were they yelling?" I asked Flynn

"You were asleep, but they were arguing about the passenger safety or something like that. I can't remember."

Oh god. Now my stomach felt like it was doing backflips on a trampoline.

I was about to wake Maverick up when the Pilot came over the loudspeaker.

Maverick woke up, a bit startled.

"Attention all passengers: There are some big swells and strong winds. I apologize for the delays. We are going to land in Bermuda in about 25 minutes."

Ok, well this is better. My stomach finally stopped jumping on the trampoline.

Maverick looked at me and was about to say something when all hell broke loose.

The pilot came on the loudspeaker again sounding worried.

"Attention all passengers, our left-hand engine has failed."

Oh. How lovely. Thank you stars. NOT. Meanwhile my stomach decided to do some triple backflips.

Our oxygen masks dropped down.

Before I could even blink Maverick was already putting mine on for me.

The flight attendants went around helping everybody with their oxygen masks.

After everyone had their oxygen masks on, there were sparks appearing out of the left windows.

Mothers grabbed their children and held on tightly. Garett, Flynn, Maverick and I all held hands.

The pilot came back on the loudspeaker saying that we will have to make an emergency landing.

In the ocean...


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